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It isn't time yet, but Taehyung wakes up only because he can feel the warmth leave his bed. He opens one eye and grabs the other one by his waist, making him collapse on the bed.

"It is cold.", Taehyung reasons.

Seokjin pushes him away but fails when Taehyung cages him between his legs. "Hyung, stay. You've nowhere to go."

Seokjin tries again and this time succeeds to set himself free from the tangled mess of legs.

Taehyung whines. He whistles, or tries to, at Seokjin, who halts at the bathroom door.

"Hyung, turn.", he says. Seokjin turns and starts to laugh, "What are you doing?"

"I am trying to seduce you to get you back into bed.", Taehyung explains, confused as to why it is not obvious. He is shirtless, only in his boxers, with one leg sticking out from under the sheets.

Seokjin continues to laugh as he steps into the bathroom and Taehyung is offended.

"Everyone finds me sexy except for you. You know what that tells? That you are wrong.", Taehyung argues as he gets out of the bed.

Seokjin steps into Taehyung's line of vision and says without any emotion, "You are very sexy. I am drooling over you as we speak."

"You don't mean that!", Taehyung groans and steps towards the bathroom but Seokjin shuts the door on his face.

"Hey! Open the door! Are you trying to escape my seduction?", Taehyung yells.

There is no response for quite some time except for sounds of water turning on and off. Taehyung gives up and jumps back into the bed.

When the door clicks, he is surprised to find that Seokjin showered.

"Today is Saturday!", Taehyung says.

Seokjin doesn't pay attention to him and rummages through his closet.

Taehyung throws a pillow at him.

"Okay! That's it. Get out of my room. You've your own huge ass room. Why are you always here and in my bed?", Seokjin retorts.

Taehyung throws another pillow and asks, "Today is Saturday! Today is our make-breakfast-together day."

Seokjin pulls out a checkered shirt and says, "It started off as 'Cooking lessons for Taehyung'. You learnt nothing and I do all the work."

"I'll learn today. I promise.", Taehyung says hopping around Seokjin. He really wants his special blueberry pancakes with fried bacon on the side.

Seokjin ignores him and starts getting ready.

"I've a date.", he concludes when Taehyung doesn't stop whining.

"Date? You've been with him for two years. Now, it becomes 'just-breakfast', not a date.", Taehyung mutters.

Seokjin sighs, "Go and have breakfast with your boyfriend."

"Hyung!", Taehyung gasps wildly, clutching his chest. "That is rude! You know I don't have a boyfriend!"

Seokjin raises his eyebrow, "Who is Jungkook again?"

"He is a straight guy who has no romantic feelings for me.", Taehyung cries. "Why are you hurting me?"

Seokjin laughs cruelly, "My bad. I forgot. Go out with Jimin for all I care."

"Hyung, can I third wheel? I'll be good.", Taehyung asks as sweetly as he can manage to.

Seokjin brushes his hair and puts on his perfume without replying to Taehyung, which of course annoys him.

"Hyung! PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU! NAMJOON-HYUNG LOVES ME!", Taehyung cries and then screams when Seokjin sprays the perfume right in his face.

"Joonie is sweet. But he definitely doesn't love you.", Seokjin says as he pushes Taehyung away.

Taehyung trails him till the main door, "Will you be home for lunch?"


"Will you be home for dinner?"


"I hate you.", Taehyung says before he pushes Seokjin out of the door and locks it.


Seokjin comes home past 11 in the night to find Taehyung lying upside down on the couch, nibbling on a pizza and watching the latest release of a Horror series.

"You didn't cook, then?", Seokjin sighs. "You could've made rice – I taught you how to make kimchi fried rice."

Taehyung doesn't respond but continues to eat his pizza.

Seokjin touches the pizza and it is cold. He clicks his tongue in disappointment, "You are having the same pizza for lunch and dinner?"

Taehyung glances at him and continues to watch the TV.

"Taehyung-ah.", Seokjin says as he ruffles his hair. "You know things haven't been great with Joon and I. I really needed – "

"I know. I am sorry. It is your boyfriend and your love life – I shouldn't have complained so much.", Taehyung says monotonously.

That confuses Seokjin. Taehyung is always whiny and complains but he never apologizes – especially to Seokjin.

"Baby, you okay?", Seokjin asks as he sits next to him.

"Very fine, thank you. I haven't felt better in a long, long time.", Taehyung deadpans. "How was your date?"

Seokjin plays with his hair and smiles, "Surprisingly well. We got through almost an entire day without throwing things at each other. On that note, I wanted to ask -"

But he doesn't ask because he can see tears spilling into Taehyung's hair (because he is still stubbornly settled upside down).

"Hey, are you okay?", Seokjin asks, worried now. The only time Taehyung cried was when a dog died in a movie.

Taehyung says, while shaking his head, "I'm fine."

"Did you watch Titanic again? We decided you won't watch it alone. Or is it 'Miracle in Cell No.7'? Don't – ", Seokjin guesses but is cut short by Taehyung.

"I called Jimin to go out for breakfast. He said he can't come because he is going out.", Taehyung begins.

Seokjin slowly shifts Taehyung's head into his lap.

"Like, he has a lot of friends but all of them know me, right? So, I told him I'd tag along.", he continues as Seokjin softly pushes his hair back.

"He then confessed that he is going out on a date.", Taehyung says.

Seokjin furrows his eyebrows, "You don't want him to go on a date? That's low even for you."

"YAH SEOKJIN-AH! Listen!", Taehyung cries. He adds, "So, I asked him about lunch, he agreed. We met at lunch and he said he has something important to say. I thought it will be about the person he is dating."

"Ooookay?", Seokjin responds, confused as to where this is going. "So, it wasn't about his date?"

Taehyung wails, "It was! But – Hyung – life sucks."

"It does, but why?", Seokjin presses on.

Taehyung hides his face in Seokjin's lap and mutters something inaudibly.

"Baby, I can't understand you.", Seokjin says as patiently as he can.

Taehyung lifts his head a little and repeats, "He is dating Jungkook."



WELL, HELLO. Please leave comments because author needs motivation. yesiamneedy. whataboutit.


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