9 - Subtle Scars

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"What the fuck do you mean by a week?", Taehyung yells.

Seokjin intervenes, "What my roommate politely means is that a week is too short of a notice for us to find a new place."

The owner glares at Taehyung, who is ready to throw hands at him.

"Fine. I can give a couple of days more. Like I said, I need to sell the house as soon as I can, and you'll have to vacate for that.", he says to a worried Seokjin, who nods in response.

Taehyung Is about to fight with him again, when Seokjin shuts the door.

"Hyung-ah! According to the lease, he should give us at least a month.", Taehyung complains to Seokjin. "How will we find a new place in a week? That too a place that is close to work for the both of us?"

Seokjin rubs his temple, "Look for any new posts on the online forum, ask around. I'll ask the people at my restaurant about it. I'll take two days off. We'll go apartment hunting."

Taehyung frowns, "But I like this place so much. It is perfect."

"I know. I love it too.", Seokjin says as Taehyung rests his head on his shoulder. "We might find a better one, who knows?"

Taehyung only hums.


"That's the third apartment you rejected.", Seokjin whines as he drives to the fourth apartment on the list. "What is wrong if only one bedroom has a balcony?"

"It is unfair to the other room.", Taehyung says as he navigates the GPS.

"Okay, what about the first one? It is a little costlier than our current one, but it is fine.", Seokjin argues.

Taehyung shakes his head, "They've a no-pet policy hyung."

"Taehyung-ie, baby, we don't have pets.", Seokjin says in a defeated tone.

Taehyung looks at him, "But, what if we decide do adopt one? The lease agreement is for two years, hyung."

"The second one was fine.", Taehyung says, suppressing a smile.

Seokjin rolls his eyes, "If he called you sexy one more time, I would've filed a harassment case against him."

"He isn't wrong though.", Taehyung chuckles. "I look extra good today."

Seokjin glances at Taehyung - at Taehyung's ass and smirks, "No."

"I just saw you checking out my bum.", Taehyung scowls as he goes back to the GPS. "You have too much pride for your own good. No wonder all your relationships went down the drain."

There is silence and Taehyung realizes a little too late that he might've been harsh. He turns to talk to Seokjin, who avoids looking at him. He hits the breaks and says, "We are here."


The fourth apartment has no flaws. Except for one.

"The ad clearly says for two people.", Taehyung argues with the agent, who is showing them the apartment. "How can only one be available?"

Seokjin has to grab Taehyung's hand to calm him. He doesn't understand why Taehyung is so pissed off for such a mistake. He has been in a foul mood since the day the owner asked them to leave.

"We drove all the way to - ", Seokjin interrupts.

The guy shakes his head, "There are apartments available for two people. Just different ones. This one has availability for only one person. The other apartment is on the sixth floor, where another one can stay."

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