15 - Games

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Taehyung remembers a few weeks ago when Seokjin was jumpy around him all the time. He thought he was acting crazy. If that was crazy, then Taehyung thinks he should be admitted in to an asylum now.

For example, at the night of Jimin's party, Seokjin drove them home. Taehyung was in such a daze that he either felt like he was staring for too long at Seokjin or like he was avoiding him like the plague. He wasn't sure if it was visible, but he was definitely shivering.

So, please don't blame him when he screamed out loud when Seokjin reached out to fasten Taehyung's seat belt. Thankfully, Seokjin assumed Taehyung's weirdness was due to the concoction of the drinks he might've consumed at the party.

The next day, Seokjin rambled on and on about the new sous chef at his restaurant. Taehyung sat in front of him with his chin rested on his palm, watching that little dimple of his appear and disappear, and counting the hours before he is allowed to kiss it. He didn't listen to a word, but he agreed to everything that Seokjin said.

That night, he waited until Seokjin fell asleep and then he tiptoed to his room to watch him sleep. After a while, he felt like an absolute creep for being in someone's room without their knowledge, so he went back to his room. He couldn't sleep wondering how he should tell Seokjin that he can't keep pretending to not have feelings for him. Every time Seokjin came closer his heart thumped so hard, he was afraid it would leap out of his chest.

Now, after a 3 AM call with Jimin, he knows he has to confess his feelings to Seokjin as soon as he can. He just can't decide if he has to be pompous about it or keep it simple. He wants to call Jimin again, but he doesn't really want Jungkook to yell at him for interrupting their sexy times.

He searches the net for romantic ideas of proposal. He orders a box of heart-shaped chocolates on an impulse and spends the next thirty minutes regretting it because Seokjin is trying to avoid sweets. He finally decides to ask Hoseok for better ideas and falls asleep dreaming about that stupid dimple of Seokjin.


Taehyung checks himself in the mirror again before he steps out. He is unusually conscious about his eyes and eyebrows. He makes sure he smells good because Seokjin has a sensitive nose.

When he steps out, Seokjin is struggling to drag his bright blue suitcase with one hand and the hold the alpaca patterned neck-rest pillow in the other hand.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asks, utterly confused.

Seokjin manages to make the suitcase stand still and looks at Taehyung, "The trip to Busan."

"Was I supposed to pack too?" Taehyung questions.

Seokjin chuckles, "Pabo, no. My Busan trip – the one that I was forced to go to because that dumb-yet-smart Jackson."

"Who is Jackson?" Taehyung says trying to wrap his head around the situation. "Will you go with him?"

"Taehyung-ie," he replies, walking closer to the love-struck male. He then knocks on his forehead and asks, "Are you alright?"

"I am fine, hyung! Who is he?" Taehyung retorts. Panic starts to rise in his chest. Was Seokjin dating him? Why does he not remember his name?

Seokjin adjusts the handle of the suitcase and says, "My new sous-chef. I told you all about him! He is ridiculously prideful. I told you about the trip too. You told me that you are okay staying alone for these two days."

"Two days?" Taehyung mutters. He doesn't remember the conversation, but he does vaguely remember Seokjin explaining him how to use the new oven.

"Yep. And, you agreed to drop me at the airport too," Seokjin says.

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