7 - Waves

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Taehyung wakes up after spending at least thirty minutes staring at the ceiling. Seokjin tries to slip out of the house early before Taehyung can catch up with him.

"Uh - you are leaving?", Taehyung asks as Jin hastily ties his shoe lace.

Seokjin knows he turned red already. He nods in response and runs out of the house afraid of having any further conversation with him.

Taehyung wants to throw himself in the trash afraid that they fucked up their happy relationship.


Late at night, when Seokjin comes home, Taehyung is napping on the couch. He tries to slip into his room without waking him up. But if he is that lucky, he wouldn't be in this icky situation.

"Hyung?", Taehyung grumbles.

Seokjin freezes, "I - I just came home."

Taehyung sleepily walks to him and hugs him from the back. He says, "How was your day?"

"It was okay.", he replies, a little relaxed that their conversation was normal.

Taehyung lets go of him and says, "I made dinner."

Seokjin ruffles his hair, "Okay. I'll be back in 10 minutes."


Dinner goes well. They slip into their usual conversations, complaints and in-depth character analysis of the characters on a show.

" - honestly, every time I see him, I think he is the most handsome guy I've ever seen.", Taehyung says.

Jin nods seriously, "You aren't wrong - "

" - But then, I see you and realize that I am wrong.", Taehyung completes.

Jin stops talking midway, with his mouth agape.

Taehyung theatrically whips his head towards Jin and says, "One kiss was all it took for me to fall in love with you, Kim Seokjin."

Seokjin can hear his heartbeat so loud in his ears that he has to pull all his strength to listen to what Taehyung is saying.

Taehyung goes on his knees and clasps his hands around Jin's. He says, "I can't live without you, please don't break my heart, please don't break my soul."

"I'll have to. What we have was just for one night. You always knew that.", Seokjin replies jumping into the role.

"Really?", Taehyung questions with puppy eyes and Seokjin is still confused if they are role-playing or if Taehyung actually meant it.

"Uh - "

"Hyung, relax.", Taehyung chuckles. "I know you've been avoiding me. I might not be as smart as your ex, but I am not dumb."

Seokjin sighs in relief, "I am sorry. It was awkward - It is awkward. I don't know - "

"We are adults. It was with consent. We both knew we wanted it. It probably was a one-time thing.", Taehyung says with a tight smile.

"Right.", Seokjin answers, avoiding the other's eyes.

"So, we can go back to you making breakfast for me.", Taehyung says as he goes back to watching the series.

Seokjin snorts, "That is all that bothered you, wasn't it?"

"I live for your food.", Taehyung replies unabashedly. "I am not going to let one night of sex get in the way."

"God, you are so shameless.", Jin says shocked. "I mean, I know you would do anything for food, but I am still surprised."

Taehyung ignores him and lays his head on Jin's lap. He finally says, "Anything for good food - your food."

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