11 - Oblivious Idiots

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On Sunday evening, the night before their 4th 'anniversary', Seokjin arrives home and is surprised to find Taehyung waiting at the dining table. He hasn't been home for almost four days and was staying at Jimin's.

"So? Jungkook kicked you out or – ", Seokjin begins, mockingly, but he is cut short because Taehyung drowns him in a hasty hug.

"Hyung, I am sorry. We had only four days left, and I wasted them whining at Jimin's instead of spending them with you.", Taehyung says, wrapping Seokjin in his arms. "I know we've only two days now and we've a lot of packing to do but tonight we'll celebrate, okay? I'm sorry."

Seokjin nods smiling, "What do you want to do?"

Taehyung lets go of him and runs to the kitchen while yelling, "Hyung, change and come. I made something."

Seokjin does as he is told. When he comes back, Taehyung is nowhere to be found.

"Are we playing hide-and-seek in the dark again? I don't like that game.", Seokjin jokes.

Taehyung peeks in from the balcony, "Hyung."

Seokjin then notices the tiny table and two chairs. In the center of the table stands a tiered purple frosted cake with tiny candles on it, with a bottle of glistening wine by its side.

"You – you made that?", Seokjin asks surprised. "You made a cake?"

Taehyung frowns, "I told you I learnt how to cook and bake in the last two years. You didn't trust me."

Seokjin steps out into the balcony to join him. He ruffles Taehyung's hair and sits opposite to him when he notices the horribly written message on the cake.

"Is that word supposed to be 'anniversary'?", Seokjin asks trying not to laugh.

"I tried to write for the first time! Appreciate what I did, hyung! You walked in empty handed, you don't have the rights to make fun of me.", Taehyung mocked as he lit the candles.

Seokjin nods, "Right, right. Should we wait until 12 to cut the cake?"

Taehyung shakes his head, "I am not sure if the cake can balance itself for that long. We'll cut it now."

"Three, two, one!", they chorus. "Happy Anniversary to us!"


They push the tiny table and the chairs to one corner of the balcony and settle on its floor instead. Seokjin is having the fourth slice of cake and he has no complaints.

Taehyung rests his head on Seokjin's shoulders and points at the moon, "I feel like I haven't paused long enough to look at the moon. It is so pretty."

Seokjin hums as he continues to eat.

"Like, really, really pretty.", Taehyung repeats as he sips on wine. "But I don't like pretty things."

Seokjin refills his own glass with wine when Taehyung asks, "Hyung, what is the most memorable thing on this balcony?"

"On the balcony?", Seokjin repeats the question. "Nothing – what ever happened here?"

Taehyung chuckles, "Remember Wonho? My ex? My ex who made a pass at you at this very place and you slapped him so hard it echoed throughout Seoul."

Seokjin laughs, "I hated him so much. I don't know what you saw in him."

"Okay," Taehyung begins as he moves closer to Seokjin. "He was hot."


"He is a guitarist."

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