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It has been five days since Seokjin left and the whole house looks like a hurricane danced in there.

Taehyung stops using his bedroom altogether. Why use just that when the whole house can be your bedroom?

There are pizza boxes strewn around the house, several empty cans of coke and a pile of plastic covers of take-outs sit idly in the corner.

Taehyung video called Jin almost every evening during their breaks at office. He whines about Jungkook and Jimin for 5 mins before they bicker about Taehyung's inability to whistle (he really can't whistle for the sake of his life), and then it'd end with an hour-long talk about TV shows they watched, new restaurants and cities they want to visit someday. But never about how Seokjin's relationship is progressing – it bothers Taehyung, but he doesn't ask him about it.

Seokjin will be here the next day but Taehyung is drunk from the Friday party at office. He has no energy to clean the house up. He picks up a stray tissue from the coffee table and puts it in trash. He applauds himself for that effort and crashes on the couch.


"OH MY GOD. THIS IS A DUMPSTER.", Seokjin gasps loudly as soon as he steps into the house.

Taehyung groggily opens one eye and slumps back on the couch.

"What have you done to my beautiful home, you trash-collecting monster!", Seokjin complains.

Taehyung falls off the couch, in an attempt to wake up. He mumbles, "Too loud. You are too loud."

Seokjin's nose scrunches as he helps Taehyung sit on the couch, "Go fresh up. We've to clean the house."

Taehyung does what he is told.

An hour later, the whole house is clear of debris. Seokjin almost throws Taehyung off the balcony when he finds an empty pizza box in the bath tub.

"Can we please cook now? I am famished.", Taehyung says as he sits on the kitchen island.

Seokjin snorts, "As if you will be doing any cooking."

"Do you want me to cook?", Taehyung asks knowing that Jin usually hates when someone interferes with his cooking. He'll never understand how he is working as the head chef at one of Seoul's top restaurants.

But Seokjin surprises him. He says, "Yes. Come here and cut the onions for me."

"Really?", Taehyung asks still shocked that Jin wants him to hold a knife.

Seokjin nods, "Yes. Make sure they are diced well."

Taehyung pouts as he takes an onion and begins to cut it. Even before he is half way through, he hears a grunt in the form of disappointment from Seokjin.

"That's – that's not how you dice an onion.", Seokjin says as he takes Taehyung's hands into his own. "Look, hold it firmly with this, and dice it with the other."

Taehyung lets Jin take control of his hands and watches in mild wonder at how the onions are diced. He nods enthusiastically and picks another onion. He starts to cut it like how Jin taught him. He takes an extra step and slices his finger too.

"Tae-ah!", Seokjin sighs as he sucks on the sliced finger. He continues to rummage the kitchen drawers for a band-aid, but Taehyung is still trying to recover from the touch of Jin's lips on his finger.

It isn't the first time it happened, but it is the first time it makes Taehyung feel hot and something. It is like he is seeing Jin's lips in a whole new light and he hates that light.

He shakes the feeling off when Jin puts a band-aid around it.

"Do I know anyone who can cook well? Why do I attract only people like you?", Seokjin huffs as he continues to cook.

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