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Taehyung dreads the photoshoot. He wants to puke every time he sees Jimin and Jungkook get giggly with one another. He always knew his gaydar was right, but Jimin said Jungkook was straight and was dating someone else. So, Taehyung believed him.

Turns out Jungkook is as straight as a noodle can get. He is currently swaying with Jimin in his arms while checking the outcome of the photoshoot. Taehyung hates it.

He wants to be happy for his best friend, but he finds the betrayal hard to digest (not that Jimin knew that Taehyung had a crush on Jungkook). Jimin has had a horrible experience with his dates or his ex-boyfriends. Jungkook seems like a nice one. Of course, he is a nice one! Isn't that why Taehyung has harbored a secret crush on him forever?

Jungkook is exactly his type. He is always dressed in tight ripped jeans in tones of black, white and grey. One of his muscled arms has intricately detailed tattoos. His hair is usually long enough to tuck behind his ears. He wore plain tees and flannels that snugly wrapped around his biceps and Taehyung wishes to be punched in the face with those for being stupid.

The painful shoot comes to an end when Jungkook walks to him. He says, "Hey, I absolutely loved your picks today. I always love your earthly tones, but today you've outdone yourself."

Taehyung blushes like the idiot that he is. He mutters a thanks that he is sure Jungkook didn't hear because Jimin drowns him in a back hug. At that, Taehyung exits the place.


It is around 11 in the night that he reaches home. He wonders if he should order pizza or go get a Chinese take-out.

He unlocks the door, walks to the couch in the dark and screams. There is someone asleep on the couch. In his apartment. An apartment where he lives alone.

He runs to the switchboard and turns on the light. He breathes out when he sees that it is Jin.

Taehyung kneels next to him. At times, he cannot believe that Jin is three years elder to him. Or that he is one of the most famous Chef that Seoul has ever produced. He looks like a child, naïve and precious. He reaches out to his hair and slowly pushes the bangs out of his eyes when Jin's eyes flutter open.

"Sorry.", Jin says groggily as he sits up and pulls out the earphones. "Did I scare you?"

Taehyung shakes his head but asks, "What are you doing here? Today is Friday. Aren't you too excited about our Saturday breakfast date?"

"N – no. I don't know.", Jin sighs. "Is your ad for a roommate still out? Did you get a new one?"

Taehyung stares at him afraid that he will be yelled at if he tells the truth that he absolutely forgot to post about it on the online forum.

"Uh – no, a couple of them reached out to me, but none confirmed. Do you've someone in mind?", Taehyung lies as he shimmies out of his coat.

Jin stares at the ground when he says, "I want to move back in."

Taehyung sits next to him, "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Can I move back in?" Jin asks again.

Taehyung nods impatiently, "Of course you can. This is your place too. But what happened?"

"I am – I am very tired. I understand his job demands a lot from him, but so does mine. There hasn't been a single day that we didn't get into an argument. I don't understand what he wants, he doesn't understand why I want what I want. It has been two fucking years. Yet I still feel like it is our first day and that is not a good way! I – I broke up with him.", Jin tells him, tears streaming down his face.

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