19 - Marvelous Time - Epilogue

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Okay, I cried. I was okay until I saw Yoongi's post and then I cried. I didn't know I loved them so much and that Yoongi has the power to make me cry like a baby. I love them all.


On the day of God's favorite child's birthday and the billboard #1, here is So?'s Epilogue.

Before we begin, I urge you to *points water gun at you* listen to 'A Thousand Years' as you read this.

*drum rolls*

On the evening of their eighth moving-in anniversary.

"I can't – I can't do this," Taehyung croaks as he takes his tie off.

Jimin groans, "For the zillionth time, it looks the same as the other tie."

Taehyung holds up the two ties next to one another and stares in the mirror. He says, "The more I look at them, they both look ugly."

"Tae!" Jimin chides as he grabs both the ties away from his hands. "They both look good. You'll get late if you sit here panicking about these stupid ties."

"Everything has to be perfect," Taehyung worries. "And, if my tie – "

"You are having the jitters, okay?" Jimin says softly. "It happens to all of us. If you panic, Hyung will panic too."

That shuts Taehyung up. He picks the chocolate brown shade tie and puts it on.

"He'll like this, right?" Taehyung asks, afraid that Jimin might snap at him again. He then slowly adds, "It is the color of his eyes."

Jimin pecks him on his cheek, "He loved you in torn Powerpuff-girl tees, he'll love you in a garbage bag."

Taehyung pouts.

"You look like the most handsome person on planet earth," Jimin confirms. "He'll love it."

Taehyung blushes and then says, "I want to talk to him once."

"Now?" Jimin asks. "Hyung believes in the whole one can't see the other – bad luck thing."

Taehyung pouts again.

Jimin concedes.


It is a wooden two storied house, painted in pearly white, surrounded by plush green apricot and orange trees. As Taehyung waits against the wall of it, he can hear the faint rush of the river, the rustling of the autumn leaves owing to the squally wind, and the chatter of the guests walking in.

He holds his breath when he hears quiet footsteps against the adjacent side of the wall. The strawberry perfume hits him and all the jitters and panic Taehyung has had since last night vaporize.

He leans his head against the wall, closes his eyes, and stretches out only his hand at the edge of the wall. Within the beat of a heart, he can feel the cold fingers of Seokjin slip into his.

"Okay?" Seokjin asks softly. He too leans against the wall, eyes closed, afraid that he might be tempted to see the other one.

"Okay," Taehyung replies. "You?"

"More than okay," Seokjin spills. "Do you think we should've made sure our outfits go well with each other?"

Taehyung chuckles, "I know they'll be fine."

There is a shout from Jimin and Taehyung squeezes Jin's hand. He can't wait, he can't wait to see him. He can't wait to make him his own.

"See you at the altar," Taehyung says. "I love you."

"I love you too," Seokjin says, as he slowly let go of Taehyung's hand. He has to tell himself that in a few minutes, he can hold them again.


Seokjin shuffles on his feet at the altar. The question of who'll walk down the aisle lasted for a minute or even less. Taehyung said that he always dreamt of walking down the aisle and watch the surprise on the face of the other. Seokjin never had a singular thought about his wedding, so he gave in.

The choice of the song too took less than a minute. "A Thousand Years", Taehyung piped when Seokjin asked. Not even a flicker of shadow of doubt in his eyes. Like he'd planned this years ago.

And, it is perfect. It is more than perfect. The song begins to play and there is a lump in Seokjin's throat that threatens to transform into a waterfall of tears with every step that Taehyung is taking towards him.

Seokjin's lips tremble at the breathtaking beauty that is Kim Taehyung.

Their outfits don't match. At all. Seokjin is dressed in shades of brown, with a black tie. Taehyung is dressed in royal emerald green – complete with a waist coat too. They both look like they stepped out of a theater play of Alice In Wonderland and for Seokjin, that just makes everything even more perfect – everything more them.

Taehyung's dad pecks his son's cheek before Taehyung joins Seokjin at the altar.

"You fucking God-like beauty," Taehyung croaks as he smiles at Jin.

The priest clears his throat, "Language, son."

Seokjin can only chuckle, failing to hold back his tears.

The vows echo like a well-rehearsed, timeless song. Like, they've always said those lines to each other, every morning and every night even though they never did.

But they really have said them, haven't they? Just not in concrete words, not in structured sentences with the right metaphors. Instead, they've said it in kisses, in cuddles. In the warmth of their hugs, in the cold of their feet rubs. Between the fights and the apologies, between the changing seasons and their blending colors.

They've mutedly said it all and they've silently heard it all.

The sun begins to set at the right time. The mix of purple and orange throws a hue of colors across and Taehyung thinks that nature too wants to be a part of their love.

There is a loud cheer when the Priest announces and asks them to kiss one another.

They do it, softly and slowly, with no rush.

Taehyung giggles as he separates and asks with a playful voice, "So?"

"So?" Seokjin asks back with a smile.

"Lovers?" Taehyung guesses with a chuckle.

"Husbands," Seokjin confirms.

Taehyung lets out a laugh that emits right from his chest. Seokjin joins him.

They kiss again, their hands tightly intertwined with one another, their silhouettes aglow with the sunset as the backdrop.

The song blasts off the speakers again.

Seokjin sighs inwardly, fortunate to have found love, fortunate to have found Taehyung as his love.

And, there's only one thing that Taehyung can think of – his favorite day, his favorite song, his favorite color, his favorite everything was encompassed into one thing – his Moon – his Seokjin.

Both of them know, with a comforting confidence, that this is to stay and never fade away.




I still can't believe this is the same story, in the same document that I almost hit delete because of the cliched story and because I was afraid of how repetitive and boring I might make it sound.

You guys gave this so much love. ONE OF YOU MARRIED IT. HAHAHA. I love you. :(

Be kind to all, okay? 


P.S. I might kinda sorta mostly start a new fic soon sooo stay tuned for updates! 🦔 

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