18 - Unblurrrrr

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It's another of Hoseok's party.

Taehyung absentmindedly wraps his hand around Seokjin's waist. Two seconds later, they jump apart.

"You tell them," Taehyung whispers to Seokjin, as they walk in awkwardly, unsure of what to do with their hands.

"We should've thought this through," Seokjin sighs. "We can't announce. I can't announce. This is so weird."

"Being with me is weird?" Taehyung frowns, jutting his lower lip. "Are you embarrassed?"

Seokjin squishes his cheeks and giggles, "No, baby."

That satisfies Taehyung and he runs away to find Jimin.

Seokjin goes and sits on one of the couches on the balcony. Thanks to the cold air of the night, it remains fairly deserted.

It isn't long before their own little group of bubs join him on the couch. The EDM noises from the speakers boom quietly onto the balcony.

Hoseok settles right next to Seokjin. While their conversation goes back and forth, Seokjin accuses him, "I can't believe you told Tae everything!"

"I told him one thing," Hoseok defends himself. "Anyway, what am I supposed to do if he shows up crying like a hurt puppy at 6 in the morning?"

"At 6?" Seokjin asks, because Taehyung left at around 3:30.

Hoseok can feel Seokjin's cogs whirring. He says, "Don't worry. He went to Jimin's and they drove him to my house to demand why you are not in love with him. Honestly, the things I've to go through for being your best friend."

Seokjin blushes and mutters, "Thank you."

Namjoon joins them with a cold beer in his hands. He takes the one seater couch adjacent to Seokjin, and politely smiles at him.

Seokjin internally cringes. He has no idea how he is supposed to tell Namjoon about Taehyung. Just as Namjoon is about to say something, a flash of black goes past him, and sinks next to Hoseok.

"Hey, pasta-boy," Seokjin says surprised. "What are you – "

" – I've a name – Min Yoongi," Yoongi says with a little smile.

Seokjin remembers the way he asked him to leave not two nights ago. He nervously smiles, "I'm sorry for asking you to leave. I hope Taehyung found another time slot to help you with your outfit for the concert."

Hoseok giggles loudly, "I don't think Yoon cares so much."

Seokjin squints his eyes. He is clearly missing something.

"This is the guy I was talking about," Hoseok says slowly, almost blushing.

Seokjin cocks his head trying to take in the information.

Hoseok is dressed in an oversized multicolored bright stripped sweater, with teal shorts. He has a see-through bucket hat with flowers painted on it.

The other guy, Yoongi, was dressed in a full black tee tucked into black pants. The look was complete with his black eye shadow, his black and silver earrings on both his ears, one silver button pierced in his eyebrow, and two strips of minimalistic tattoo on his wrist.

Day and Night. That is what they looked like.

"I know," Hoseok trails guiltily. "He was there just to make you jealous. It was entirely Jimin's idea I promise. I wasn't okay with it at all."

A few seconds pass as Seokjin stares at him, still confused.

"What was my idea?" Jimin says as he plops on the only remaining couch. Jungkook bows to him and merrily settles on his boyfriend's lap.

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