16 - Lights Down Low

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Listen to Candy Shop while you read this. ;)

I haven't been posting recently. I apologize for keeping the stories on hold. Few days are darker than the others and it is difficult to as much as type a letter.

Thank you to all those who reached out to me, asking about my well being. I was able to write this one chapter finally.



Seokjin was back from Busan in the morning, but Taehyung already left for his work. However, he comes home early, feverish with the anticipation of meeting him.


That's the number of outfits that Taehyung changes before Seokjin comes home from the restaurant. He wants Seokjin to love him just the way he loves him. He wants him to go moon-eyed as soon as he sees him. But there is nothing about Taehyung that Seokjin hasn't already seen. So, he wears one of his favorite emerald green silk pajamas and tries to make himself look both hot and unbothered while watching MasterChef.

In all honesty, he isn't watching shit. He fervently keeps glancing at the clock – the time ticking way too slowly.

Half way through the episode, there is a click of the door and Taehyung shudders. He adjusts his hair and takes a split second decision of undoing the first button.

" – maybe in a few days," Seokjin says as he enters through the door. He seems to be is a deep argument with someone. He barely spares a glance at Taehyung before he disappears into his room.

Taehyung sighs and waits for him to come out for dinner. When he doesn't, he pauses the show and walks to Seokjin's door. He nervously taps it. When there is no response, he pushes it open to find Seokjin with his eyes closed, in his baby blue pajamas, spread like star fish on the bed.

"Jinnie?" Taehyung tries to wake him up as he taps on his arm. "Hyung!"

Seokjin tiredly opens his eyes, "Don't want."

"Dinner?" Taehyung pouts. "I cooked for you."

The corner of his lips slightly turn up, "Really?"

Taehyung nods, "Hyung, you promised to have dinner."

"I already ate with the Kangs' and Jackson. I am not hungry at all," Seokjin whines as he turns to his side.

Something constricts Taehyung's throat.

"You eat. I promise we'll eat together tomorrow," Seokjin says, but Taehyung is already on the way out of the room.

There is a click of the door and Seokjin pulls his covers up to doze off.


When Seokjin wakes up, it is past 3. His throat feels parched and he blindly pats around to look for a water bottle. He doesn't find any. He groans as he drags himself to the kitchen.

While he quenches his thirst and rubs his eyes, he sees all the food still intact on the table. He checks each of the container to see them untouched.

He sighs and goes to Taehyung's room. Taehyung is wide awake, his face illuminated by the glare from the laptop screen. He is so engrossed in whatever he is doing that he doesn't see Seokjin enter the room or call him.

Seokjin tries to scare him, but Taehyung merely looks up from his laptop and goes back to his work.

Seokjin frowns, "TaeTae is angry with hyung?"

No reply.

"Is that why he didn't have dinner?" Seokjin tries again, jumping into his bed.

Taehyung's frown deepens.

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