2 - I

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They spend an entire week binging Taehyung's favorite TV shows, eating tubs of ice-cream and dozens of cheese pizza, before and after their work hours. Taehyung almost had his time off because of his job – he works as a stylist with celebrities – and that is he where he met both Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook is a photographer and Jimin is another stylist, and his forever best friend.

"Do you feel any better?", Seokjin asks on a Sunday evening. "2%?"

Taehyung is cuddled in the bed, in Seokjin's arms. He nods slightly, "3% better."

"That's progress.", Seokjin says proudly.

"Maybe if I eat more pizza, it'll become 4%", Taehyung says as he reaches out to the pizza box on the table next to the bed, but Seokjin taps his hand away.

Taehyung frowns, "Are you afraid we'll grow fat?"

"I missed gym for an entire week for you. Yes, I am afraid I'll grow fat.", Seokjin complains.

"You think I won't grow fat?", Taehyung asks as he reaches out for the pizza again.

Seokjin shrugs as he bites a piece off from the pizza slice in Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung chews on the other end of the piece while he asks, "Or are you subtly saying that I was always fat? Is this the time to show off your abs and mock my body, hyung?"

Seokjin knows he is joking but he also knows that not having abs is a soft point for Taehyung (especially when he is always amidst Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon and himself – all of them with an extremely well-toned body). So, he slowly pushes Taehyung's tee up and squishes his soft tummy.

He says, "I love it this way."

Taehyung eyes him suspiciously so Seokjin adds, "It is soft and squishy. Jungkook is unlucky to not have this piece."

"Really?", Taehyung mutters and Seokjin knows it is a subtle request for more praises.

"Yup. Can you imagine how annoying it would be for Jimin and Jungkook? Both with rock hard abs – how is it even fun? Jungkook is missing out on all the sweet things about you. And, he'll have to keep helping Jimin for everything – you know how he falls short – of a lot of things.", Seokjin says.

That has Taehyung giggling.

Seokjin's phone goes off and he gets out of the bed to answer it.

"Joon – ", he answers.

He can hear the suppressed annoyance in Joon's voice when he says, "You were supposed to move in by today. You promised."

Jin glances at Taehyung, who is immersed in the movie and steps out of his bedroom. He says, "I told you. Taehyung had a break-up. I can't leave him alone."

"He wasn't even his boyfriend. How is that a break-up?", Namjoon argues. "You are not his parent to baby him. Jin, I like Taehyung too, but we really need to work on our relationship. Please."

Seokjin sighs, "His best friend is dating the guy he's had a crush on for more than a year. That kind of hurts more than usual – you know what, it doesn't matter. I'll talk to him today."

"I've cleared half the closet for you. I miss you.", Namjoon says. "I can't wait for you to move in with me."

Seokjin smiles, "Me too." He really misses him. Namjoon and Seokjin have had an unusual relationship – they met in the last leg of their college. They've been friends for a long time before someone suggested for them to date.

Their first two dates went well – they discussed a range of topics and Seokjin loved the way Namjoon's brain worked. Unfortunately, after that, Namjoon had to move to the US for a year because of his job. They were in a long-distance relationship during that period. When he did come back, Seokjin felt that Namjoon changed, or maybe he himself changed. Either way, they ended up fighting a lot, and they broke up for about two months.

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