12 - Disguises et al

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Taehyung is already at Hoseok's bar but Seokjin isn't.

"What is your roommate even doing?", Hoseok asks as he orders a cocktail for himself. "He is on time for everything except my parties."

Taehyung shrugs, "He didn't find a costume."

"How hard is it to find a costume?", Hoseok huffed. "My theme is so simple owing to the short notice."

"It is animals. Who has animal themed parties? What are we? 5-year old kids?", Taehyung says as he whirs his straw in his mocktail.

Hoseok grins as he leaves the counter, "Fine. I'll go call him."

His place is immediately occupied by Jimin, whose first question to Taehyung is, "So, are you still fucking each other?"

Taehyung almost spills his drink and he whisper-yells, "Do not say that out loud in public! It is a hush-hush business."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. But are you?", Jimin asks. He is dressed in yellow overalls, with bear like ears on his head.

Taehyung nods, "Only once in the last two weeks though. We were apartment-hunting the first week and the other week, all my shoots were in the evening. But why do you want to know?"

"Remember I said I had a guy in my mind, whom you can date? He'll probably be at the party tonight. If Jin-hyung and you aren't serious, I want you to meet him.", Jimin says excitedly.

Taehyung shrugs, "We are allowed to date others. We aren't serious, Jimin-ah."

Jimin tilts his head as he sips on a red-colored cocktail with smoke whirling at the bottom, "You don't seem enthusiastic about the new guy."

"I am, Jiminieee. Tell me more about him.", Taehyung says with a huge fake grin.

Jimin takes a deep breath and starts, "First of all, he checks off your important requirement, he has tatt – "

"Hyung!!!", Taehyung yells as he jumps off the bar stool and waves. "Here!"

Jimin turns back to see Seokjin dressed in a costume. While most of them went for sexy ones, Jimin and Seokjin are the only ones dressed in cute animal ones.

"What is he dressed as?", Jimin asks. "It is sooooo cute!"

Seokjin's cheeks puff up as he smiles at Taehyung and makes his way to him.

Taehyung pulls him between Jimin and him. He asks, "What are you, hyung? A hamster?"

Jimin can't help but pull his cheek and Taehyung swats his hand away. He says, "He doesn't like people touching his face."

Seokjin laughs, "It is okay. And, no. I think it is a sugar glider. Isn't it nice?"

Jimin hands him a glass of wine and says, "It is very cute. You look very cute."

"He always looks cute.", Taehyung affirms. Then, "Why didn't you wear the leopard print one? That was hot."

Seokjin sips on his wine and shakes his head, "It was transparent."

Hoseok jumps next to them and whispers into Seokjin's ear, "Heads-up. Joon is here."

But Hoseok's whispers are as good as announcing to the entire bar.

"You invited him?", Taehyung asks.

Hoseok nods and says to Seokjin, "I did. I am sorry, I should've asked you."

"No. It is okay.", Seokjin smiles. "We've the same circle of friends. I can't avoid him forever."

Hoseok pats him gently and says before leaving, "Another heads-up, he looks hot."

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