6 - R

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"Jimin, I already apologized. I got you a gift too!", Taehyung pleads Jimin at the end of their photoshoot. Jimin is rightfully angry that Taehyung ditched their plans. TWICE.

"No. The first time was okay. Actually, it wasn't okay, but I understand your attachment issues with your roommate.", Jimin says packing his bag away.

Taehyung frowns, "I don't have attachment issues with my roommate. Also, he is not my roommate. We are in a weirdship."

Jimin looks at him, "Tell me that the second time you cancelled our day out did not involve your roommate."

"No. Of course not.", Taehyung says as he follows Jimin to the elevator.

Jimin shakes his head unbelievingly, "What was the reason?"

"So, I was cooking a lavish lunch. Can you believe it? I actually made two appetizers. I made an amazing main course. It is the dessert that I fucked up. I put it in the oven and left it there. Somehow it set itself on fire. The fire alarm went off. But we were in our room dancing to loud pop songs. So, we heard nothing until the neighbors called us. It was a total mess. In all that, I forgot to cancel our day-out. It has nothing to do with my roommate.", Taehyung explained as the elevator took them to the basement.

Jimin sighs, "Why did you cook?"

"Uh... to eat.", Taehyung says.

"You could've cooked something simple.", Jimin points.

"Hyung was sad because Joon-hyung and he had a fight over the phone and he felt really bad – ok, fine maybe this kind of involved Jin-hyung. I see your point.", Taehyung realizes.

Jimin shrugs, "Have you guys ever considered dating each other?"

Taehyung laughs, "No. No way! Jimin, you know the kind of guys I like – stomper boots, sexy bikes, a cold attitude and a hot body. Jin-hyung is the exact opposite – he is a cuddly bear."

"But – "

"And, hyung likes the smart, university gold medalists kind of guys. He once dated a Pulitzer nominee. Do you remember when we used to hang out with him and Joon-hyung? I understood absolutely nothing that they discussed. We both are happy with our weirdship.", Taehyung completes.

Jimin rolls his eyes, "Should I drop you at home or will you take a cab?"

"Drop me off at the main gate. Jin-hyung will pick me up. We are going out to that new café.", Taehyung says as he settles in Jimin's car.

Jimin stares at him, "No, really. Consider dating him."

"Ugh. Shut up and drop me off. We can have our day-out on Friday, I promise.", Taehyung says. "If you want to be a good friend, find me a guy. I am afraid I'll die single."

Jimin hums, "I actually have someone in mind."


Jimin smiles, "Yep. I'll set up a blind date next week."

Taehyung dances in his seat, "Can't wait."


Weekend arrives. Seokjin is back on the couch, chugging on beer and having fries. Taehyung is back from work and settles next to him.

"Jinnie, I ran into Joon-hyung.", Taehyung says gently. "He looks fine."

Jin frowns, "I dumped him. Isn't he the one who should be sad?"

"You are the one who said that he is very practical.", Taehyung reasons.

"Practical is different from being a stone-cold person.", Jin whines. "I also want to be normal."

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