10 - Reconnect

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"Three days isn't that bad.", Hoseok says as he sips on a new cocktail. He sticks a red note on it and goes on to try another one.

Seokjin is lying on Hoseok's couch, eyes glued to the ceiling.

"Yes. It isn't bad. It is awful.", Seokjin says. "The last time Taehyung didn't talk to me for more than a day was two years ago when - "

"When he had a nasty break up, got drunk and got lost and you had to go searching for him in the rain. Yes, yes. We are all well aware. He told that story at every party for a year.", Hoseok says as he marks another cocktail.

Seokjin nods, "Yeah. That too because - "

"Because he was knocked out for an entire day and you dragged a doctor home. Yes.", Hoseok completes the story again.

"Why don't you talk to him first?", Hoseok suggests when Jin doesn't talk.

"Why should I? He is acting like a kid. He doesn't have a solution but keeps complaining about every apartment that we've been to and then he has the audacity to call me a wuss. The way he keeps picking up fights with everyone - I won't be surprised if some mafia puts out a hit on him. I am still not over him having a full blown argument about gendered toys with a 6 foot stranger. Hob-ah, you should've seen - "

"I was there.", Hoseok deadpans. "Yeah, you had to drag him away before that guy could punch his teeth out. But Tae was right that day."

"He is always right. But I don't remember the last time he stepped into a gym. He can't go pick fights with people triple his size. What if someone hurts him when I am not around?", Seokjin argues.

Hoseok finally marks a cocktail green and passes it to Seokjin. He says, "Why aren't you considering the apartment in Ken's block?"

"It is almost double the rent that we pay here.", Seokjin says.

Hoseok cocks his head, "Hyung, it isn't too much for you. If Ken can afford it, so can you."

Seokjin stays silent for a second, "Taehyung can't. He isn't well-off like Ken."

Hoseok sighs, "Okay. The one at Sanduel's?"

"Too far for Tae.", Seokjin answers.

"Did you even tell Taehyung about those apartments?", Hoseok asks while throwing away the red-marked cocktails.

Seokjin shakes his head, "He'll prefer them to the one we chose just because we can stay together."

"How much do you pay for this one?", Seokjin questions out of curiosity.

Hoseok smiles, "I don't."

"Wait - you own this?", Seokjin asks surprised.

Hoseok nods, "We kind of are getting old. We have to have a place of our own."

"I wasn't notified of this. God, I hate adulting.", Seokjin whines.

"You should also maybe plan on buying one. What do you even do with your money?", Hoseok asks.

Seokjin shrugs, "Stocks. Investments."

"You thought about stocks but not buying a house?", Hoseok questions with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know - do you've any suggestions where to buy?", he asks.

Hoseok grins, "The one right above this is available for a re-sale. Same outlay as this one."

"Can I afford it?", Seokjin laughs.

"Hyung, sometimes you forget that you are fucking rich and it bothers me.", Hoseok complains. "You could quit your job and still live for another 30 years without having to work."

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