13 - Falling

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Taehyung follows Jimin around like a puppy.

"I forgot," he whines. "I seriously forgot. You could've reminded me."

Jimin rolls his eyes, "How can you forgot about a date? I am sure this is again because of Jin-hyung."

It was. It was their sex-date and they haven't had sex in almost 20 days. But Taehyung already informed Seokjin that they will have to cancel it because he had a date. However, Taehyung did not foresee Seokjin to spill a whole glass of wine on his barely-there white cotton shirt. He did not foresee him taking it off in the middle of the living room. He did not foresee him looking too delicious to turn away. So, yeah, Taehyung couldn't care much about some date when he had a whole bare-chested Seokjin right in front of him.

"No. It is not. Remember that night, we worked almost till 8 PM. I went home late and fell asleep immediately. You can ask Jin-hyung if you want to," Taehyung confidently lies through his teeth.

Jimin sighs, "You are such a bad liar. You know I won't ask Jin-hyung. Anyway, I won't set you up with anyone ever again."

"I sent him an apology text too," Taehyung adds. "Ask him to go out with me another time. How about tomorrow?"

"Tae-ah! My party is tomorrow," Jimin complains.

Taehyung pauses and then says, "I'm free tonight."

"Also, you sent him a text after I reminded you to! Don't act like you had the kindest heart. And, no. I won't ask him to go out with you," Jimin retorts as he walks to Jungkook.

Taehyung pouts, "Kook, just because he has a boyfriend now, he doesn't care about me. He wants me to die single."

Jungkook chuckles, "Jimin-ssi, help Tae out. He is probably sexually frustrated."

"I highly doubt that," Jimin snorts.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook make puppy-eyes at him and Jimin gives in. He says, "Fine, fine. I'll ask him for tonight. You do like him, right?"

"Oh yes. If he is the same one that I saw at Hobi-hyung's party, then, hell yes. Hot, has tattoos, is a travel blogger, and has a piercing. Absolutely love his profile. You know me so well, Jiminie," Taehyung coos.

Jimin sighs as he texts, "I sent him a message. Do NOT forget. If you stand him up, I will never talk to you again, Kim Taehyung."

"I promise I won't let you down," Taehyung says wrapping his pinky finger around Jimin's tiny one.


Taehyung dresses his sexy-yet-casual best. He checks himself in the mirror one last time and steps out in to the living room; that's when Seokjin comes home, looking like an absolute mess.

"Drinking early, are we?", Taehyung asks Seokjin, who smiles bleakly in response.

He then notices Taehyung's clothes. He asks, "Do you've a date? Is it the same guy who stood you up last time?"

Taehyung awkwardly laughs as he scratches the back of his head, remembering that he lied to Seokjin that the other guy stood him up and that is why it was okay for them to continue with their sex-date.

Seokjin stumbles closer to him, "Is Jimin sure that he is nice? We don't want another Wonho-situation."

Taehyung nods. He says, "He checks all the boxes, hyung."

"Tattoos and all?", Seokjin chuckles in a deep voice, one that Taehyung has started to like more than ever.

He ignores the warmth in his chest and answers, "Yep. He also has this sleek black bike, hyung. It looks so cool."

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