14 - Boy in Luv

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"I could've been home, watching re-runs of B99, you know?", Seokjin says as he steps into Jimin's apartment. He is dressed in a crisp white shirt that is neatly tucked into his black slacks.

Taehyung only nods as he looks for Jimin's profile. When he spots him, he responds to Seokjin. He says, "Hyung, he wants us all to officially meet Jungkook. It is kind of big deal for him."

"Well, I met him last week at Hobi's party while they were grinding on each other," Seokjin complains.

Taehyung rolls his eyes as he walks towards Jimin, "You talk like you never grinded on anyone."

"Yah! I never did," Seokjin replies exasperatedly. "Never ever. Nope."

Taehyung ignores his protests and wraps Jimin in a hug.

"Why is everyone dressed so formally?", Taehyung questions with a pout when he notices that Jimin too is dressed in a sleek black shirt and black pants. "I am wearing corduroy jeans with a 'buzz lightyear' tee!"

Jimin giggles, "It is okay. It accentuates your ass well, doesn't it, Seokjin-hyung?"

Seokjin who was until then calmly listening to their conversation turns red at the question. He splutters, "I – I don't know. How – how will I know?"

Taehyung stares back at him, "You think my ass isn't good in these pants?"

"No, no. It's nice," Seokjin tries. "The pants make them look good."

"So, you are saying my ass looks good because of the pants and not that I've a nice ass. Is that it? Do you not like my ass? Jimin-ah, he is being rude to my bum," Taehyung questions seriously with his hands on his waist.

Jimin turns Taehyung and forces Seokjin to look at his bum. He says, "Hyung, look! How can you not find it sexy?"

Seokjin huffs, "It looks great. Sexiest ass I've ever laid my eyes on. Happy? Now, excuse me, I'll go get a drink." With that, he quickly exits the scene before either of the two best friends could pounce on him with more questions.


"Where's Kook?", Jimin asks Taehyung who is mixing two drinks to see if it'll change color. When it doesn't change color, he sighs in disappointment.

He answers as he adds another drink to the mix, "Hobi-hyung told me that Jungkook was with Joon-hyung and that he is star struck by him. I don't know why though."

Jimin looks around and says, "Nah. Joon-hyung is out there on the balcony. I can't find Kook."

Taehyung tears his gaze away from his weird mixed drink to help Jimin spot his boyfriend. What he instead finds is Namjoon standing on the balcony deep in discussion with someone, who is blocked from his view by a group of people. He stops looking for Jungkook and stares at Namjoon because he looks different from the last time that he saw him. He now sported an undercut and colored his hair in a light shade of purple. His entire attire of white turtle neck with grey fitted pants did a great job of highlighting his toned body. He also had his eyeglasses on that made him look like he stepped out of a Vogue Magazine.

Taehyung looks down at his own clothes and frowns.

His frown deepens when the crowd moves, and he finally sees the person that Namjoon is talking to.

"Why are they talking?", Taehyung asks loudly and that is when Jimin realizes that he wasn't paying attention to anything that he was blabbering.

"Who? Joon-hyung and Seokjin-hyung?", Jimin asks as he follows his gaze.

"They broke up. Why are they talking again?", he repeats.

Jimin shrugs as he adjusts his shirt, "They were friends before they became boyfriends. It is normal for them to talk."

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