Chapter III: Yeager

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(Eren's POV)

Once Captain Levi was okay to stand up again, we decided to search the girl for any information or weapons. And oh my god, she was armed to the teeth.

We found two sheathed daggers on her belt and two empty sheaths who must have been for the two other blades she used during the fight against the captain, eight small throwing knives in either boot, a switchblade in each of her black shirt's sleeves, her cape was lined with small acupuncture needles, attached to her belt was a black pouch with colorful gases in them and under the belt line of her pants and shirt were several rondel daggers.

We threw all the weapons in a drawer, tied her up to the desk chair then took off her hood. Her eyes were still closed, but I could see that she was really pretty. She had long (H/T) (H/C) hair and a pretty pale complexion. She looked so peaceful, if I hadn't known better, I never would have guessed she was an assassin.

"Oi, Eren." complained the Corporal.

"Yes sir?"

"Go get the others. Drag them out if necessary. I'll send an emergency signal to shitty glasses, she's usually awake at this time and there should be enough light for her to see the flare."

"Yes sir!" I said saluting him.

I ran out of the room, and first went back to mine, Mikasa and Armin's room. They were both fast asleep, Armin with a book open on his chest. I woke the bookworm first, he shot up, his hair was a mess and he looked half dead.

"Eren? What are you doing? It's so early..." he mumbled.

"No time to explain, go to Captain Levi's room, it's urgent." I answered, shaking Mikasa's shoulder.

He just groaned and got up, yawned and stretched his arms. Mikasa got up right away and cracked her knuckle.

"Can you guys wake up Connie, Sasha and Chris... I mean Historia. I'll get Jean." I said heading to the doorway.

I went to horseface's room, he was sprawled out on the bed, his blanket was falling off, his arm hanging off the edge and he was drooling on his pillow. I rolled my eyes, walked to him and kicked him off the bed. He hit the floor and jumped to his feet.

"Ow! What the hell was that for, you little bastard?!!" he shouted, rubbing his head.

"Get your ass up. Captain Levi. Emergency. Follow me." I said walking out the door.

He scrambled to his feet then followed me to the Corporal's room, we opened the door and saw that everybody was already there. They were all looking at the girl that was still strapped to the chair with a look of curiosity.

"Tch. Took you long enough." said the Captain.

"Sorry sir!" replied Jean.

We joined up with the rest of the group and Levi told us what happened before I knocked her out. How she came out of nowhere, her skills and then he opened the draw to show the others her weapons.

"She's no ordinary assassin. She's trained very well, better than all of you, and this kind of weaponry is extremely hard to find."

"But sir, you said she came here to kill you, who would want you dead?" asked Armin.

"How would I know? What I do know is that she would have killed me if Eren didn't come when he did."

We all looked at the ground in silence, until we heard a loud cough coming from behind the Captain. He spun around and we all leaned sideways to look behind him.

The girl cleared her throat one more time. She was still tied on the chair, her head was straight on her shoulders, her face showed not a single sign of emotion but, for some reason, she kept her eyes closed.

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