Chapter VII: Carts

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(Levi's POV)

After that little incident, we decided that it was best to go back to the hideout. We met up with Hange and we added her and (Y/N) in our cart with Cadets Ackerman and Arlert. I was sitting on the edge of the cart, my feet crossed on the bench, looking at my boots. The blond was holding the reins and cheerfully chatting with the (H/C) haired girl.

Mikasa was hugging her knees and she looked really depressed, I still don't understand why she's so obsessed with the titan brat but it was starting to get on my nerves. Shitty glasses had a serious look on her face for once as she kept shooting worried glances at the black haired girl making sure that she doesn't do anything stupid.

"What!" Armin suddenly exclaimed breaking the awkwardness. "You've been following us the whole time?!"

We looked at the two at the front. He slowly turned hist heads awkwardly, realizing how loudly he spoke.

"What was that Cadet?" I asked flatly.

"Uhhh...." mumbled the blond, looking at the assassin then back at me.

I shot him a menacing glare and I could see the sweat form on his temples. He swallowed heavily then opened his mouth.

"Turns out that for the past month, (Y/N) has been following us, tracking our every move and decision from a distance..." he said in one go.

Our eyes shifted to the girl as she just looked at us, still smirking. I couldn't tell if I was pissed or creeped out.

"Tch. You have a lot of explaining to do when we get there brat." I hissed crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yeah. I already said that." she answered facing the horses again.

The silence returned and I could feel the tension form between all of us. I just rolled my eyes and looked at the back of the cart. I stared the other one that was pretty far away, with the other cadets and most of our equipment. Mikasa started talking to shitty glasses about Historia and Eren's kidnapping. But that's when I heard Arlert yell again.

"(Y/N)! Where are you going!?!"

My head snapped and I saw the girl above us, her silhouette against the moon. She had jumped off the cart and was falling back down towards the forest.

"Shit! Keep going! I'll follow her." I said shooting my hooks at the nearest tree

I flew off the cart and entered the dense forest. I narrowly dodged the trees, constantly looking up, finding the girl and changing my direction. Suddenly she stopped on a branch and landed in a cat-like position. I tried to shift my course, but it was too late. I crashed head first into her and we fell to the ground. I groaned and lifted a hand to my head. I opened my eyes, and saw that I was on top of the assassin, my knees on either sides of her waist and my left hand still holding the broken 3DMG controller next to her head. Her turquoise eyes were staring right into my grey ones.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going you_" I started.

But before I could say anymore, she clapped a hand on my mouth and pushed up. Now she had lifted my chest up, she was sitting to my left, her right hand on my face and her left holding my head.

"Shhh! Shut up!" she hissed.

I was about the rip her hand off and retort something back, but she pointed further away infront of us. I took her hand off and got up. I could see the orange flickering of a campfire and could here very faint inaudible voices.

"Bandits?" I whispered squinting.

"No. Military police. From what I can tell, they're the newer recruits from the 104th, this particular squad is on patrol in this whole area for the next 3 days. Apparently they need to regain the trust of the higher ups because a certain 'Annie' was in their team."

At first my hatred for that bitch that killed my old squad came bubbling up. But then I realised something that was more relevant.

"How can you know this?" I asked suspiciously.

"Still don't trust me I see..." she huffed. "As a part titan, I can have access to enhanced hearing, sight and sense of smell. Didn't Eren show you?"

"No. We never heard of that in all of shitty glasses' experiments and hypothesis."

We stayed there, silently staring at the campfire.

"Uh Levi, why don't you reveal your last name?"

"Personal, none of your business brat." I snapped.

She nodded then looked at her feet.

"Well... we should get back and warn the others about the MPs." she said getting of her ass.

I looked at her as she brushed the dirt off her. She flipped her head in my direction, I quickly diverted my stare to my gear. But then I realised that it was broken.

"Fuck it." I cursed.

I felt her eyes roll at me, I was about to say something, but she slipped one arm around my waist and the other picked me up by under the knees. Before I knew it, she was carrying me bridal style like I weighed nothing, I was going to protest, but then she jumped.

Holy shit...

I was looking out at the distance, the forest expanding of miles infront of me, the moon and the stars were shining right above me. It was like we were suspended in mid-air. But when gravity pulled us back down to the ground, I wanted to scream. But she swiftly jumped off the ground, steps as light as feathers then propelled herself up and forwards. I could feel the wind in my hair, with every jump she took, I felt the same thrill that appeared when I remembered the incredible distance between me and the ground.

When she finally stopped jumping, I could hear the familiar rumbling of the carts on the uneven paths. I opened my eyes, and saw the horses in a distance coming towards us. I looked up and saw the assassin smirking down at me.

"Tch. Put me down." I ordered.

"You should have seen your eyes... it was like a child that found some candy..." she laughed putting me down.

"Tell anybody and I will break both your arms." I threatened, slipping out of my busted gear's belts.

"Yeah, whatever."

When the carts stopped, Arlert and Hange jumped off and ran towards us, Mikasa right behind them.

"What happened?" asked Armin.

"We found a squad of MPs camping in the area, we will have to be extra careful." I answered.

They both nodded then proceeded to spread the info to the others who were just getting off the other cart.

"Let's go to bed." said (Y/N). "We'll talk in the morning."

"Tch." was all I said.

I led her to the spare room and once she was in a closed the door and headed to my room. I didn't bother with the lights, quickly cleaned myself and went to bed.

What a weird day.

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