Chapter XV: Commander Erwin Smith

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(Y/N's POV)

So I'm his assistant now... So like Moblit to Hange... So I need to follow Levi and protect him...Jeez... sounds like a drag... but I guess it could be interesting to see how many times humanity's strongest will need saving.

I chuckled to myself as I unpacked the new uniform I was given. Captain clean freak said that he was going to go talk to Commander Erwin in half an hour to debrief on what happened in the chamber. So I assumed I had to be two steps behind him at all time.

I slipped in an olive green shirt that Eren lent me, then put on the new white pants and the jacket. I strapped on the belts to my feet, legs and chest then put my boots on. Now this is when it gets tricky.

Should I bring my knives?

I didn't want to disrespect the Commander by bringing weapons, but my job was to make sure that Levi stayed safe so should I be ready at all times? Yes, I probably should.

I decided to take only the knives that could be hidden in my clothes, my boots, sleeves, bra and under the tucked in shirt and kept the pouch with my vials and the one with the Yeager wedding ring. Once I was ready, I flattened down my (H/T) (H/C) hair then walked out the door. I waited infront of the captain's temporary room. When he finally got out, I saluted him then followed him down the halls.

"I'm going to make this very simple brat, this is the Commander of the Survey Corp you're meeting and considering that you didn't join with his permission, don't talk unless spoken to and no retorts or remarks, understood?" he hissed when we got to the Commander's office.

"Understood." I declared.

He opened the door, revealing the tall blond man behind a test writing some stuff in a notebook. He didn't even bat an eyelid so I guessed that he was doing something important. Levi just rolled his eyes then sat on the couch, crossed his knees and arms. I stood right behind him, my hands behind my straight back.

A few minutes later, Erwin dropped his pen and looked at Levi, then at me with a curious look in his eyes. The glow in his blue eyes showed that he was trying to figure out if he saw me before, then upon realizing he never met me before, his eyes grew dim with suspicion and doubt.

Why did I ever learn how to read somebody's eyes? It's caused me nothing but grief so far...

I just ignored him and kept facing forwards not moving a muscle, a flat look on my face.

"Levi, good to see you in one piece, how did the Kenny the Ripper recon mission go?" he asked, getting off his chair then sitting on the couch infront of us.

"All of them including Kenny are dealt with, they don't pose a threat to the Scouts." the shorty replied.

"Good. Can you tell me what happened at the chapel with Rod Reiss?" he asked still ignoring my presence.

So he did, he told him about how the founding titan power in Eren could be whole if it was an the Reiss family, he told him how Rod wanting Historia to eat Eren and get the power but when she refused, Rod took the serum and turned into a titan.

After that, it was radio silence. I didn't dare say a word, Levi just sipped on the cup of tea he suddenly had and I think Erwin was too polite to ask who the fuck I was. For several minutes, not I peep appeared in the room and I was still new in social interaction so I had no idea what to do. So I bent over the backrest of the couch and whispered in Levi's ear:

"Uh corporal? What am I supposed to do in this situation?"

"Just do what you would usually do." he whispered back.

A new life in hell (reader x attack on titan)Where stories live. Discover now