Chapter 1

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The first time it had happened, Sugawara was only just starting highschool. His cousin had come over for a few weeks, his mother having to be in the hospital. Sugawara's mother had taken him in for a bit and given him a room and loved him as if he were her own son.

Sugawara did enjoy having his cousin there, being an only child and all. They would toss a volleyball around time to time but usually they had to sit inside and talk, playing videogames. That's the only thing Sugawara didn't like. Besides the name calling.

That was playful at first. Sometimes it'd be about Sugawara's laugh, calling it a snort. Sugawara thought that had been funny, having his own twisted humor for a teenager. But then it got strange.


Targeting things very few knew about Sugawara. Like his insecurity of his waist or arms. But it hadn't bothered him too much. He was okay.

"Suga! Hey Asahi needs the ball set to him. Can you help out?"

Sugawara looked up from his book and smiled brightly. "Yeah!"

Daichi blushed and walked away, hoping Sugawara had been following him. The older male walked quickly after him, genuinely happy he could set the ball some more. "So um… what are you doing this weekend Suga?"

"I'm going to be helping my cousin with his schoolwork. Take a run or two. Why?"

"O-oh no reason!" Daichi chuckled. "Just wondering."

Sugawara looked to the side, playing with his hands to warm them up. He smiled gently. "You're funny."

Daichi blushed a darker pink. "T-thank you."

Sugawara laughed and picked up a volleyball. "No problem."

As Sugawara tested the ball Daichi turned to Asahi, his heart pounding. Asahi turned his head to the side, confused. Daichi laughed nervously. "He's freaking adorable. What the hell?"

Sugawars turned and gestured for Asahi, who was laughing. "You like higher sets, right?"


"Great!" Asahi got into position and waited. Sugawara turned to Daichi and smiled. "Can you come and toss for me Dai?"


"Yeah! It's a cute nickname, right?" Daichi turned around, trying to contain himself. "Are you okay?"

"It's alright." Daichi put his hands out for the ball. "It is cute."

"Cool!" Sugawara tossed him the ball. "Come on!"


Sugawara sat at the dinner table, his feet swaying. He smiled at his raven headed cousin as he sat down. "Hey Gin!"

The other male smiled back. Only being a year older, he was barely four centimeters taller than the other boy. But not intimidating. He seemed kinder in front of adults but Sugawara knew better. He had to be careful.

Gin reached over and prodded Sugawara's biceps. Sugawara pulled away, laughing. "Quit that."

"Hm. You've got meat on those bones."

"That's a weird way of putting it." Sugawara sipped at his water for a moment. "Plus I'm actually like four pounds underweight cause of me constantly playing and stuff."

"You ever seen one of those girls with skinny waists. I just wanna wrap my hands around them." Gin chuckled. "People love other skinny people."

"Oh. Well I don't mind how other people look. Besides, I don't necessarily like girls so I dunno…"

"Okay one, gross. Two, other weird guys will care how skinny you are. Gotta be careful." Gin smiled as Sugawara's mother handed him a plate. "Thank you."

Sugawara opened his mouth and closed it. "Mom, I'm sorry but I don't feel too good."

"Oh?" Sugawara's mother felt of Sugawara's face. "Well you do feel a little warm… go ahead and lay down. Tell me if you get hungry."

"Sorry." Sugawara mumbled. He got up and went to his room. He sat down on his bed and eased a pillow in front of his stomach and tightened his grip, pressing it into his waist. "I'm not a weird guy… being gay isn't weird. Mom said it was okay."

Sugawara chuckled and flopped backwards.

"And you don't have to be skinny to be loved." He placed a hand on his stomach and pressed. "Then why can't I eat?"

After a bit of thinking, his mind became muddled and his eyelids dropped. Soon enough he was fast asleep, hand still of his stomach.


Daichi looked over to Sugawara, watching. The shorter male's hands were twisting his shirt, pulling it away from his stomach and arms. Daichi's brows furrowed in concern. "Suga?"

"Hm?" Sugawara stopped and looked up at Daichi.

"Is your shirt too tight?"

"A little bit."

"U-um…" Daichi hesitated. "Hang on."

"Alright." Sugawara picked up a ball by his feet and rolled it in his hands. "You know, our team has been awfully sad lately..."

"Yeah I guess." Daichi pulled a sweater out of his bag and handed it to Sugawara. "That should be a bit lighter. Here."

Sugawara hesitated before taking the sweater and smiling. "Thank you."

"No problem. It's a little big but I'm sure it's better than being tight."

"Right." Sugawara slipped off his t-shirt and slipped the sweater on. He hummed lightly and hugged his waist. "Mmm… this is comfortable."

"That's great." Daichi smiled. Asahi looked up from his place on the floor, textbook in hand. He saw the smile from Daichi and chuckled. Sugawara turned his eyes to Asahi.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, sorry." Asahi laughed again.

Daichi rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey Suga, I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"Do you…" Daichi paused. "You free next weekend?"

"Well I am. I hope. My cousin might need me to help again."

"Isn't he older than you?"

"He's not the brightest."

"Ah." Daichi nodded and rubbed the back of his neck again. "Well Asahi and myself are hanging out at my place this weekend. If you want, you can come over."

"Oh? That sounds great!" Sugawara smiled. He flopped the slightly too big sleeves and giggled. "This shirt is really comfy."

Daichi smiled gently and nodded. "You can keep it."

"Wait really?"

"Mhm. Think of it as a thanks for setting for us so much."

"No problem." Sugawara held the sleeves to his nose. He smiled again. He spoke around the cloth, muffling his voice ever so slightly. "It smells good."

Daichi got up, his face a bright red. Asahi laughed softly. "Don't worry about him."

"Eh… he's funny."

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