Chapter 14

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"Please… I don't want to talk about it." Sugawara mumbled. He looked away from his family and friends, ashamed. He seemed to act like this ever since the day before, trying to keep his secrets. Daichi wanted to push for answers but the adults warned him not to. Asahi just seemed upset and really worried, not wanting to make Sugawara mad again or anything else.

It was really hard for anyone to talk to him now. Especially Daichi. Only because of the yelling. Sugawara would yell and scream, telling him to quit talking so much. It was awful. Asahi kept freaking out, hating the fact that Sugawara screamed his head off. Daichi was torn between the two, confused.

It had gotten to the point he flat out broke down in the hallway and his mother had to hold him. This wasn't normal. Nothing about Suga seemed okay anymore and it was hurting everyone.

"Suga? Hey… did you fall back asleep?"

"Go away."

"Alright." Daichi backed away, sighing. "Mom, can we just go home? Asahi and I have work to do."

Sugawara closed his eyes, upset but knowing he was being a jerk. He wanted them to stay but knew that they didn't need to. He didn't need them to tell him how to live.

He wanted to live and be skinny. Had they even measured his weight?


The brunette turned around, worried. "Yes?"

"How much do I weigh?"

"Um… eighty seven pounds." Sugawara nodded and closed his eyes. Daichi went to the other side, smiling. "You'll get better."

"Get out."

"Right." Daichi sighed. He tried to press his lips to Sugawara's forehead. Sugawara pushed him away though, startling Daichi. "I… did I do something wrong?"

"I said get out."

Asahi started crying again and Daichi stood. "Fine. But don't call me when you need an extra blanket if you're going to hit and scream at me."

"Fuck off."

Daichi sighed, knowing he wasn't welcome. That hurt. Too much. Daichi walked out and didn't look back. He'd see him at his home soon enough.


"Up we go… there. Alright. Do you want anything?" Shinju questioned. Sugawara shook his head, coughing. He curled in on himself, sighing. "No cough medicine? Do you feel warm?"

Sugawara kept coughing, wheezing for a moment. "I'm cold."

"Do you want me to get Daichi?"

"Um… I don't know."

"I'm going to get him. Just in case." She stepped out of the room. Daichi walked in, looking at the shaking lump on the bed.



"You're cold?"


"Alright. Don't push me away this time, okay?"


Daichi felt of Sugawara's head and gulped. "I'm going to get a cold cloth."

"But I am cold!"

"Suga, you're burning up."

"What? Seriously?!" Sugawara turned around. He burst into a fit of coughing, clutching his chest.

"Do we need to go back to the hospital?" Daichi whispered. Sugawara shook his head, wheezing. Daichi frowned. "I'm getting my mom."

"No, I'm okay." Sugawara sighed and opened his blankets. "Just lay down."

"Suga… does your chest hurt?"

"No. No I'm okay."

"I'm still getting the cloth." Daichi walked into the bathroom and soon heard loud coughing ring out again. "Oh no…" Daichi hurried back and put the cloth on Sugawara's head.

"I'm sweating…"

"Okay but does your chest hurt?"


"Your throat?"

"Only because I coughed."

"Okay... You just got out of the hospital... You didn't even let me touch you. Are you sure you want me in here?"

"Yes." Sugawara closed his eyes. "I… I'm really sorry. I can't control myself very well. I can't help being mad anymore. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be sorry." Daichi mumbled. He pressed a kiss to Sugawara's cheek. "I'll be right back."

"Mm." Sugawara nodded and yawned. "I'm still going to be sorry."

"Of course you are." Daichi walked out and went to his closet, pulling out a large blanket. He went back to Sugawara's room and peeled all of the blankets off of him. Sugawara whined and reached for the blankets again. Daichi grabbed his hand, putting it back by his side. "Hang on just a minute."

Sugawara watched as Daichi unfolded the large blanket and pressed something in the corner. Daichi covered him in the blanket and pressed it under him, making sure he was comfortable before laying on top of that blanket and pulling the others on top of him. "Why'd you do that?"

"Give it a second."

"Mm... Fine." Sugawara sighed. He felt himself become warmer and more comfortable. Daichi noticed him relaxing and smiled.

"Does it feel better?"

"It's warm." Sugawara snuggled closer to Daichi, humming.

Daichi pressed his palm against Sugawara's forehead, testing to see if it was still cold. "You aren't upset now, are you?"

"No." Sugawara cleared his throat. "Eh… I'm sweating again…"

"That's normal Suga. It's fine." He patted Sugawara's back. "I'm not going to pamper you forever, you know that right?"



(LOL THAT'S A LIE. Sorry. We all know Daichi would pamper the heck out of his boyfriend.)

Daichi patted Sugawara's back again. "Right now is fine though."

Sugawara laughed and looked up. "What's so different about right now?"

"Because I need to take care of you so you aren't so mad and so you don't feel bad."


Daichi noticed Sugawara become slightly tense. Daichi didn't know why, he just wanted to help him.

But the thing was, Sugawara didn't want to get better. He'd act if he had too.

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