Chapter 34

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Daichi opened his eyes slowly, seeing a blur of silver in front of his tired eyes. He smiled and closed his eyes again. He knew that the male who was in his bed was holding onto him, head almost parallel from his, looking down a bit, as it was more comfortable that way.

Daichi opened his eyes yet again and shifted to the side, pulling Sugawara closer into him. He pressed a light kiss to his forehead before starting to rub Suga's back gently. He couldn't feel the boy's spine as much as he had before and didn't have to worry about pressing into the sensitive line.

Suga opened his eyes and peered at Daichi through the early morning glow coming through the window behind him. Daichi smiled warmly at him. "Good morning sweetheart."

Sugawara closed his eyes, smiling. A soft laugh escaped his lips. "Good morning…"

Daichi pressed a soft chaste kiss to the boy's lips, smiling. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhmmmm" Sugawara hummed. He eased closer to Daichi, sighing. "You're like my big teddy bear…"

"Is that so?" Sugawara nodded. Daichi tipped his head up and smirked. "I guess I can't kiss you then."

Sugawara whined softly. "Dai…"

"I know, I'm joking." Daichi kissed Sugawara again. "It's alright."

Sugawara giggled softly and pressed a kiss to Daichi's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." He eased a hand into Suga's hair and rubbed lightly. It wasn't as dry as it used to be…

"I can hear your heart." He whispered.

"How is it?"


"You want to be a doctor, don't you?"


"Great." Daichi closed his eyes. "Why is that?"

"Cause I want to help people… people like me." He whispered. "I really want to help people to get better too."

"Then do it." Daichi turned on his side and looked at Sugawara's closed eyes. "Hey, hey look at me."

"Mm… too tired."

"Suga… hey…" Daichi made a few clicking sounds and Sugawara's eyes opened again. "Ah there you are. You still tired?"

"Mhmm." Suga closed his eyes and started to drift off again. Daichi let him be this time, lightly rubbing his side. Sugawara loved being held and having someone rub his hair or side. Sometimes he'd climb into Daichi's lap and ask for his hair to be rubbed.

He was a precious being in Daichi's eyes. He would always be. Sure Sugawara had his medications to "fix" his mental and physical disorders but he'd never complained. He'd fought those nights where those thoughts would come back and he'd fought those urges when he'd catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

Sugawara had even written all over Daichi's full body mirror in expo marker where his insecurities were. Small hearts and uplifting notes littered the reflective surface, not only in his hand writing. Daichi, Asahi, Shinju, and Daichi's father had all written on it to help.

Daichi kissed his forehead gently again, remembering the journey he was still helping Suga through.

There was still so much to go through. There would be more nights where he'd shy away from Daichi's delicate touches and cry as he felt the medication wear off, his brain having trouble to release serotonin. A few times Daichi and the others could catch it before it happened and always rushed to fill his mind with things to distract him.

Daichi laughed lightly as Sugawara latched onto him a little tighter, his gentle smile staying on his rose petal lips. Oh how much that smile made him feel better.

Just having him near gave him a rush of warmth and serotonin.


Sugawara smiled, feeling Daichi's hand pat against his upper back. "Watch out for their blockers."

"Got it sugar."

Suga chuckled lightly. He put his arms up, ready to set. As he heard the ball his fingers felt light at their tips. He grinned and pushed, feeling that push of the ball against his hands and lift back up. It hit Asahi's hand and then the hand of another person's hands.

Suga immediately felt Asahi's drop in mood and furrowed his brows.


Nishinoya dove for the ball and received it, sending it back to Sugawara. He set it again and his chest lifted as the ball hit the floor this time. Everyone plopped onto the floor, exhausted from the first set of their practice game.

Sugawara looked over at Asahi and gave him a thumbs up. Asahi smiled back. Sugawara's gaze turned to Daichi's and he smiled a gentler smile. Daichi held out his hand and Sugawara held it gently. "Great job Dai."

Daichi rolled over a bit and kissed Sugawara's hand gently. "Anytime Suga."

Both smiled before standing up and heading to get some water, hands linked, palms together. Just like it should be and would always be.


You guys can have another part of my heart. Thank you for reading.

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