Chapter 33

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Sugawara sighed and put a leg out, preventing Nishinoya from tackling Asahi again. "Stop."

"Why do you keep doing that?" Nishinoya whined, grabbing for Asahi. Sugawara lowered his leg slowly and made sure he wouldn't freak.

"I'm doing it so you don't scare him."

"But I'm not scary." Nishinoya whined, finally able to ease away from Sugawara and into a sleeping Asahi's arms.

"Don't wake him up then." He mumbled, eyes trained on Daichi's own sleeping form, hand slowly raking through his hair. Daichi was resting against one side of his waist with his head resting on his shoulder.

Nishinoya just rolled his eyes. "I'm not that mean."

"I dunno. Just let him be."

Nishinoya smiled and took Asahi's hair down from his small bun and ran his fingers through his long hair. Asahi groaned and stretched his legs out, sighing when he relaxed. "Oooooh. He's so sleepy."

Sugawara glanced over and smiled. "Just be gentle with him."

"I am. Jeez." Nishinoya eased into Asahi's jacket and burrowed into it. "I didn't realize how much like, bigger he is. I'm not tiny or anything but he just has big clothes and stuff."

"Yep." Sugawara turned on his side and laughed as Daichi held him tighter, whining. "Oh hush you big baby. I'm just moving."

"Mm." Daichi whined.

"Pfft." Sugawara patted his back. Nishinoya looked out of Asahi's jacket, only his eyes showing. "Hey."


"Alright, personal- Daichi stop." Sugawara sighed. Daichi stopped squirming, sighing and easing back into his deep sleep. "You are SUCH a baby."

Nishinoya eased back into Asahi's jacket and closed his eyes. "So warm…"

"Personal question." Nishinoya poked his hand out and gave him a thumbs up. "Pfft. Do you like him?"

Nishinoya paused, his hand dropping. A moment later he gave another thumbs up and brought his hand back into Asahi's jacket.


"Shut up." Nishinoya mumbled.

"Just so you know, it's okay to approach him about it."

"Oh yeah I know! He told me that he was Bi!"

"Oh really? He doesn't usually tell people that…"

Nishinoya peeped out of the jacket again. "Yeah."

It was true that Asahi wasn't open about his sexuality, especially after what his mother had done. But Nishinoya had been told… "Hold on. So he told you willingly?"


"Holy crap. Okay." He laughed. "By all means, shoot your shot then. He's lonely apparently."

"Wait seriously? Is it- he's moving."

Suga looked at Asahi, seeing him start to stir and wake up. "He's waking up. I think."

"What am I supposed to do?!"

"Let him wake up."

"Eh…" Asahi groaned quietly before easing an arm around Nishinoya, holding him closer in his unconscious state. "Oh God. That was close."

"I don't think he'll care."

"I dunno." Nishinoya yawned.

"Mm… shhhh…"

"Aw." Nishinoya turned around and patted Asahi's hair. "Am I being loud?"

Sugawara smiled. How precious. He'd never seen Nishinoya so calm or Asahi so affectionate. Even if he was asleep.

If only that  happened more. Sugawara knew how scared Asahi could get and that it might be hard for him. Anxiety got the best of him when it shouldn't have, not that anxiety always had good times to pop up. Sugawara was okay with it. He himself had to take medication because he was scared that people would make fun of him constantly or that something would trigger a relapse.

But it never did. He was always surrounded by people who loved him. That was okay.

Asahi's eyes opened and he saw Nishinoya. Sugawara bit his lip, uncertain what would happen.

Instead of him freaking out he just smiled and hummed. Nishinoya laughed, relieved. "You okay?"

"Mhmm." Asahi yawned. "Why are you… in my jacket?"

"Cause it's warm." Nishinoya answered, smiling.

Sugawara smiled and shook Daichi awake. "Dai. Dai look."

Daichi groaned before looking back. "What- oh."

Nishinoya grinned and ran a hand through Asahi's hair. "Okay." Asahi put his head down and smiled. "You're warm too…"


Sugawara and Daichi shared a glance before smiling and continuing to watch the two others. Asahi hadn't fallen asleep again but he was still drowsy enough to not care that Nishinoya was messing with his hair. He seemed to be half asleep at least. Until he looked up at Nishinoya and rubbed their noses together, laughing.

"Aw an Eskimo kiss!" Nishinoya said happily. He returned to action, smiling.

Nishinoya gestured behind him, pointing the other males to go away. Sugawara crawled quietly to the other side of the bed, soon being followed by Daichi.

"Hey listen to me for a sec."

Sugawara grinned, knowing he was taking his advice. Asahi tilted his head, confused. "What's wrong?"

"Do you like me?" Asahi's whole face reddened in an instant.

"W-what? Why?"

"Cause I like you. I wanna know if you like me too."

"O-oh." Asahi looked away and nodded.

"Aw. You're adorable!" Nishinoya laughed. Asahi covered his face in his hands, flustered.

Sigawara held back a laugh, seeing how flustered he had become. Daichi just stared, intrigued.

"Oh come on." He pried his hands away slowly and peered at his nervous eyes. "It's okay. Why are you so nervous?"

"I didn't think you liked me…"

"Of course I do!" Nishinoya laughed. "Okay guys, come on out."

Sugawara and Daichi went back to where they were. Asahi yelped and hid his face again. "No it's okay! We already thought so! We aren't judging you!"

Asahi sighed. Nishinoya felt Asahi hold onto him and smiled. "It's okay."

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