Chapter 30

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Buckle into the emotional roller coaster I'm throwing you on. Also, I got a nice pic this time.

"The fever will subside after a few hours but he is stable now." The others sighed in relief at the doctor's words. "He's still a bit delirious so you have to be careful."

"Thank you so much." Shinju said quickly. "Did you find what was causing this?"

"The toxicology reports will come back soon. We will give you the results as soon as possible."

"Thank you." She opened the door to Sugawara's room and sighed. He looked awful.

A new IV had been hooked into his arm and little nubs in his nose pumped oxygen into him. His cheeks were still a flushed rose color and his eyes were ever so slightly unfocused.

She walked up to him and lightly brushed her fingers through his hair. "Hey…" Suga sighed, eyes going to her hand. "How do you feel?"

"Hot... And cold."

"Alright. Daichi, come here."

Daichi stood forward and handed her his bag, worried. "Is he going to be okay?"

"Of course he is." She whispered, covering Sugawara in his heated blanket. Sugawara groaned, breathing almost heavily. "Are you okay?"

"M-mhmm." Sugawara closed his eyes.

Daichi sat on the bed and eased a hand into Sugawara's hair. "Suga."


"What happened to your IV?" Daichi questioned.

"Needle." Sugawara wheezed. "Hurts…"

"What hurts?"


"Alright." Daichi eased his hand under Sugawara's blanket and rubbed his stomach gently. It was filling out… amazing.

"Better." Sugawara coughed. "She… she…"

"She? Who is she?" Shinju questioned.

Asahi looked at her and then at Sugawara. "Is she your mom?"

Sugawara nodded and began to cry, making everyone tense. "Suga what's wrong?"

"M-my mom had a needle… she put it at the top of the IV bag. I… I didn't realize how… she…" Sugawara started to sob uncontrollably, holding Daichi's arm. Daichi held him closer. "I-I'm sorry I-"

"Quiet." Sugawara nodded and just held on tighter. "I'm just glad you're safe."

"We all are." Asahi stated.

Sugawara kept crying, Daichi's arms wrapped around him securely. "It's okay... What did she do?"

"S-she poisoned me. Twice."

"Your mom?"

"Y-yes. In the IV… and my cup…"



"Your cup? But Gin gave you that water."

Sugawara looked up, sniffing. "No. She gave him the stuff."

Shinju walked out, muttering. Asahi's eyes widened. "Was she trying to…?"


"Oh my God why… that's awful…"

Sugawara shivered. He was still so cold and shaken up. Right before he had passed out he had heard everything she'd said. Anything about his body and mind. Everything about it. She was awful. He started to shake, anger starting to course through his veins.

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