Chapter 4

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Gin turned towards Sugawara and sighed. The younger of the two looked up from idly munching on a pop tart and smiled. "Hello."

"I don't understand how you can eat so much sugar."

Sugawara put the sweet down and shrugged. "It tastes good. You can have the rest if you'd like."

"No way. You've already put your mouth on it. I'm not gay."

"We're cousins."

"It's still gross."

Sugawara sighed. "Why do you have to be so mean about me being gay? What's your issue?"

Gin rolled his eyes and nudged Sugawara with his foot. "Cause I can. Besides no one will believe you."

"My mom will."

"Have you seen how much attention she gives me? Don't be stupid."

"I'm not stupid. I teach you stuff."

"Whatever Meat." Another awful thing Gin liked to do. Point out weight with harsh nicknames.

Sugawara subconsciously prodded his waist, uneasy. "Gin?"


"You're just messing with me, right?"

"Yeah." Gin stretched. "Sometimes."

Sugawara nodded and sighed. Sometimes meant no. He knew that much. He walked to the dinner table and sat down. His mother put down two plates and sat down as well.

"Hey mom..."


"I'm not that hungry. Sorry."

"Try to eat."

Sugawara sighed and grabbed his fork. A few minutes later he set it down, shaking his head. "I'm full."

"What has gotten into you?"

"I'm fine. I just can't eat."

"I'm going to need you to eat more. You're starting to look a little bit off." Sugawara tried to put another fork full of food into his mouth but stopped, feeling stares on him. He dropped the utensil and put his head down. "Koushi?"

Sugawara started to cry, overwhelmed by the fact that he might actually have an issue with his body. His mother got up quickly and held him as he cried, confused.

"Koushi... baby what's wrong?"

"I-I just can't eat... I'm sorry..."

"It's okay." She patted his back. "It's going to be okay. Go lay down. I'll bring you something if you feel better."

"Thank you." He stood and rubbed his eyes, walking off to his room. As soon as he entered it he disregarded the sweater draped over his desk chair and opened his bookbag. He took out the laxatives that Daichi had bought him.

What an unwilling way to make someone suffer.

Sugawara emptied two cap fulls into a water bottle and shook it up. As he did so he went into the bathroom, sitting down in front of the toilet. Soon enough he was able to chug down the medicated water, calmer against the tiles of his bathroom.

He put the water bottle into a cabinet and eased up. The laxatives should kick in any moment.


"Suga!" Daichi called out.

Sugawara looked up and smiled weakly. "Hey..."

"Woah. You alright there?"

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