Chapter 26

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Sugawara and Daichi managed to stop their little antics of actually being affectionate and made the cake batter. Daichi put it in the oven and they sat on the floor near the oven, huddled into each other, one of their phones propped up on them.

They watched a movie quietly, not caring that they were literally on the floor to cuddle. It was pretty comfortable though so it didn't matter. They weren't the most normal or abnormal of couples. They were Suga and Daichi, the Karasuno lovebirds.

And for two young boys, they were in love. In a simple young way.

That was okay though.



"How do you feel?"

"Like in general or…?"

"In general I guess."

"Oh. I feel fine." Sugawara yawned quietly, moving a bit. "And sleepy."

Daichi smiled and rubbed his hair. "Go to sleep then."

"Mm. Kiss?" Daichi smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips and then to his forehead. Sugawara reached up and rubbed Daichi's cheek, eyes closed. "I like you…"

"Well yeah."

"Like a lot."

"Ah. I like you a lot too." Daichi smiled.

"Great…" Sugawara started to drift off, hand still in the same place. It dropped to Daichi's shoulder and he fell asleep. Daichi smiled and turned off his phone, turning and holding Sugawara and standing.

"Alright… let's get you to bed." He whispered, walking to the stairs. Sugawara tightened his grip on Daichi, inhaling deeply. "Mm. I won't let you go. It's okay."

He placed Sugawara back in bed, turning on the heated blanket. Sugawara pulled on the blanket and buried into the stuffed animals as well.

Daichi rubbed his shoulder and kissed his hair. "I'll be back soon sweetheart."


"Dai…" Sugawara whispered, rubbing his eyes. He walked down the stairs, groggy. Daichi walked to the bottom of the stairs and smiled.

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Mhmm." Sugawara jumped down the last two steps, onto Daichi. He was held, his back patted gently. Warm and gentle. Just like always.

"Are you awake enough to come help me out?"

"Yeah." Sugawara continuously pressed kisses to the side of Daichi's face, smiling.

"Pfft. You're happy."


"That's good." Daichi closed his eyes for a moment, smiling.

"Are you happy?"

"Of course I am." Daichi turned around, letting Sugawara hang onto him. "Alright you can't put frosting all over my face."

"What happens if I do?"

"Ah don't do that. It'll be hard to get off."

"Fine, fine." Sugawara walked over to the counter and peeled back the slightly damp cloth covering the bowl of frosting. Daichi reached into a cabinet and pulled out a piping bag and two frosting knives.

"Alright, you want the top or the sides?"

"Does it look like I'm a top?" Suga teased.


Sugawara blinked, realizing Daichi didn't know what he was talking about. "Ah. Okay. Um…" He patted Daichi's shoulder. "Just uh… stay innocent. Let's frost the sides first."

"Oh my God that was a sex joke?"


"Sugaaaaa." Daichi covered his face, blushing.

"Oh come on. Let's just frost this thing." Sugawara grabbed a frosting knife. He started on the sides, trying to stop himself from making the moment more awkward.

"O-okay." He picked up another frosting knife, helping out what he thought was his innocent boyfriend. Thought.


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Suga! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone chanted. Sugawara smiled and blew out his candles. The very few people in the room clapped, happy for the young boy.

"Thank you guys!" Sugawara exclaimed, smiling. He looked at the people around him, his chest tightening, not in pain but yet happiness. Tears started to fall down his cheeks, grateful.  Shinju leaned down quickly and wiped away his tears, laughing.

"It's okay Suga. We love you so much." She whispered.

Asahi and Daichi both hugged him afterwards, whispering similar things. Sugawara just held them, smiling and crying. He was okay. He was safe.

He was loved.

"I love you guys." Sugawara whispered.

"We love you too." Daichi mumbled into his neck. Asahi nodded.

"Hey, hey. We're not putting good cake to waste." Shinju teased. "Come on."

Sugawara nodded and wiped his eyes. He pulled the candles off of the cake and licked the frosting off, laughing. They cut the cake and ate, laughing and joking around.

That was cut short after a while, as the doorbell had sounded. Daichi's father went to the door and greeted the two people at his door.

Everyone else questioned who it could be, still sitting around.

That was until the two walked into the kitchen and Sugawara visibly froze in discomfort.

Y'all seem to have forgotten that Suga said he went to the hospital four times in taps.

1. Migraine caused by hunger
2. Passed out
3. Torn esophagus
4. ???

Life must suck.

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