Chapter 32

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When Sugawara's second year started, he was excited. Nishinoya and Tanaka both joined their team, three others afterwards. Tanaka poked at another first year, Enoshita, while Nishinoya managed to mess with Asahi.

A lot.

Everyday before practice started he'd bound up to the three second years and take Asahi's book. Sugawara and Daichi let it happen for a while but it soon got to where Asahi would hand him the book and just go and play. Neither one of them understood why he had brought down his shy facade and just let Nishinoya do things with him. Nishinoya evened out Asahi's shyness in a weird way.

Which was great for Daichi and Sugawara because Asahi just worked better that way. The better the ace and libero worked, the more everyone's confidence boosted.

"ASAHI!" The three second tears looked up. Asahi held out his book and sighed. Nishinoya took his book and grinned. "Let's go."

"I'm tired…"

"Come ooooooon."

Sugawara sighed. "Nishinoya, he's tired. Quit it."

"But I want to play."

"That's great but he's super tired."

Asahi scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry."

"Eh. Why are you so tired?" Nishinoya crouched down and poked his shoulder. Asahi smiled at him. "Ah not fair. Don't do that."

"Don't do what?" Daichi questioned.

"That smile thing." Nisnoya pouted. Asahi's nervous smile had flustered him. And it was so obvious.

Sugawara laughed. "Aw. You like his smile."

"My God just kiss already." Tanaka groaned from beside them.

"Not cool dude." Nishinoya mumbled.

Sugawara climbed onto Daichi's back and rested there, watching. Daichi looked back at him and smiled. "You feel okay?"

"Mhmm." Suga kissed his temple. He nuzzled into Daichi's neck, watching Asahi. "He likes Nishinoya. I'll bet you ten dollars."



"Suga? Are you okay?"

Sugawara nodded, yawning. "Sleepy."

"You haven't taken your sleep medicine though. You sure you're okay?"

"Mhmm." Suga glanced at Asahi, who was curled up in some blankets on the floor, reading. "Are you good?"

"I'm okay…" Asahi mumbled, not pulling his eyes away from his book. Okay weird. Sugawara peered closer at his eyes and saw a glow that definitely wasn't the TV.

"Hey, what are you doing?"


"Uh huh…" Suga glanced at Daichi before leaning over and peering closer. Oh that wasn't the TV. Asahi was hiding something else. Sugawara snatched the book away from Asahi and laughed.

Asahi's phone dropped onto the blankets and he hurried to grab it. Too late. Sugawara had rolled off of the bed and grabbed, holding it away from the brunette. He tossed it into the bed and grinned.

"Now why did you have to hide your phone?"

"I-I was uh… I text… um…"

"Texting? Ooooh." Sugawara got on the bed where Daichi was facing away from him, seemingly asleep. "Oh come on." Suga grabbed the phone and leaned against Daichi's back. "Mm…"

"It's nothing bad!" Asahi said quickly. "You don't need to-"

"Why is Nishinoya's name Noya in your phone?"

"Because I call him that. Can you please give it back? We were talking about something really important."

"Oh come on, it's- oh." Suga looked up. "Well... At least I know why he told you guys to lay me down."

"Please don't talk to him about it. He's really, really self conscious about that." Asahi sighed. "He told me because I promised not to talk about it with anyone but him."

"I won't. But why is he self conscious about it?"

"It makes him feel weak… and he's not."

"Well of course he's not." He handed Asahi back his phone. "It's not too big of a deal."

"I know but he's…" Asahi typed something quickly. "He's scared. Because if he has another seizure he has to be monitored even longer than what they normally do. It's just a natural fear he has I guess."

"I didn't know that. Wow." Sugawara turned back to Daichi, who was fast asleep. "I'll tell him when he wakes up. We're not going to talk about it unless he wants."

"Thank you." Asahi smiled. "He can't sleep right now so he's texting me... Can I borrow your headphones?"

"They're on the desk." He turned and laid down, wrapping his arms around Daichi's waist. "Goodnight."

"Oh goodnight."

The older male smiled as he heard Asahi start to quietly talk. So he really cared about Nishinoya. That was wonderful.


Daichi opened his eyes, immediately knowing Sugawara was awake. So was Asahi. He turned around and patted around, searching.

"Well good morning." Sugawara smiled and leaned down. "You slept like a baby. I tried to wake you up like three times."

"Mm… sorry. What are you two talking about?"

"Nishinoya." Sugawara rubbed Daichi's hair. The brunette smiled and reached up, holding his hand.

"What about him?"

"The seizure thing."

"Oh." Daichi eased up and held him. "You found out why he knew what to do?"

Asahi gulped. "He told me why."

"What is it?"

"He has epilepsy. It's not really bad and it doesn't affect him a lot but he doesn't like talking about it. So please, please don't talk to him about it."

"Oh. That's fine." Daichi nodded.

"Just give him affection. He seems to enjoy being around you." Sugawara stated before standing and stretching. "He's the same to me."

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