Chapter 25

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Sugawara reached over and grabbed Daichi's hand, smiling. Daichi smiled as well and led him down the sidewalk. Asahi talked to them quietly about a book he'd been reading lately, excited.

Sugawara at some point had latched onto Daichi, piggybacking him. It was really warm out and they could see little kids running around in the fields near the park. For some odd reason no one but a middle school and grade school kid were in the actual playground, running and yelling.

One buzzcut and one spiky haired male. Sugawara laughed at their enthusiasm and had Daichi take him to the swing set and sit down next to him. Asahi sat on the other side of Sugawara and they swung, watching the two.

"HEY! NOT FAIR!" The smaller screamed.

The seemingly older kid grinned, holding a volleyball above his head. A volleyball. Sugawara's fingers met each other and he twisted them, wanting the ball. Oh god he needed to play a game.


Sugawara paused. What in the world was a grade school kid doing cursing?

Daichi shrugged when Sugawara looked at him quizzically. Suga turned to Asahi, who was staring at the two. "Asahi?"


"Why is a grade school student yelling like that?"

"He's not a grade school student." Asahi looked at Sugawara.


Asahi stood and walked over to the two. It shocked both of them as Asahi did so. What happened to their sweet and shy Asahi?

"Excuse me." The two looked at him, freezing. Asahi laughed nervously. "A-ah I'm not dangerous. I'm sorry."

There he was. The shorter male put his arms down. "Okay first of all you don't look dangerous."

"Oh thank you."

"Yeah no problem."

"Oh right um… how old are you?"

"Oh wow." He sighed. "I'm fourteen."

"Okay thank you. I'm sorry if I sounded rude. I wasn't trying to assume anything."

"No it's fine. I get it. I look like a child."

"What's your name?"

"Nishinoya Yuu." He gestured behind him. "That's Tanaka."

"Sup." Tanaka said, nodding.

Nishinoya spotted the two high schoolers. "Do you know them?"

"I do."

"Cool." Nishinoya walked over and looked at both of them. "What school do you guys go to?"

"Karasuno." Daichi stated. "What school are you going to?"

"Karasuno. I heard they have a bad volleyball team. Is that true?"

Daichi laughed. Sugawara kind of smiled and Asahi froze. Please don't get mad. "I guess our team does suck a bit."

"You ever watch them play?"

"All three of us are on the team."

"Oh crap!" Nishinoya turned around. Tanaka bounded over and grinned. "Both of us will be on the team soon enough."


"Great." Daichi smiled. He pointed to Asahi. "That's our ace."

The ace was one of the most important players. Their team sucked. And Asahi didn't. But everyone thought he must have been bad in some way. "D-daichi…"

Nishinoya turned and grinned. "So are you going to improve now?"

"A-ah yes."

Sugawara laughed. "His name is Asahi. I'm Sugawara, the setter for our team. And Daichi is a wing spiker."

"Awesome! This is Tanaka." He pointed to the boy behind him. Tanaka grinned. "He's a wing spiker too. And I'm a libero!"

Daichi stood. "Let's see what you can do then."

"Alright." Nishinoya handed him the ball. "Two sides of the court in the field."

"Lets go."

"I get to set?!" Sugawara said excitedly. Asahi and Daichi smiled.

"Of course you do Suga." Daichi quickly pecked his temple. They walked over to the field next to the playground and they set up as if there was a net. Nishinoya stayed towards the back instead of the middle like liberos did a lot. Tanaka hit the ball over the invisible net and Nishinoya grinned.

He rolled towards the ground, going forward. He received the ball easily and Sugawara had no trouble setting it to Daichi. Daichi caught it instead of hitting it and smiled. "Our team might have a chance."

The next hour or two they played around with the ball and talked. Daichi noticed Asahi paying attention to Nishinoya, figuring he was curious. After all, not all high schoolers looked like they shouldn't be that old.

They finally got back to Daichi's house and relaxed in the kitchen, eating a quick sandwich and talking. Asahi had to go home to help with something, promising to come back to wish Suga happy birthday one more time.

"So what are we going to do now?"

"Bake a cake." Daichi stated happily, pulling things out of cabinets. He rested his phone on the counter with a recipe. "Come on."

Sugawara stood and walked over. They started to mix the dry ingredients and Daichi turned to get the milk.

Sugawara dipped his finger into the flour and grinned. Daichi set the milk down and glanced at Sugawara. "Don't."

Suga smiled innocently. "Don't what?"

"Suga." Sugawara quickly wiped the flour on Daichi's nose before giggling. Daichi dipped both of his hands in the flour as Sugawara was distracted. He placed both of his hands on Sugawara's cheeks and the smaller boy giggled louder.

Daichi smiled and bent down, gently kissing him. Sugawara giggled again and wrapped his arms around Daichi's neck. "Are we about to make out in the middle of making a cake?"

"Pfft." Daichi kissed him again. "Probably."

"Pfft. Okay." Sugawara held onto Daichi as they exchanged more gentle kisses, rocking back and forth slightly.

Shinju started to walk into the room but stopped. Okay don't panic. Just turn away and go downstairs and work.

"Mm…" Sugawara's eyes fluttered open slightly and he smiled. He felt a hand in his hair and pushed forward, genuinely enjoying the feeling. He wasn't be forced into anything but rather invited. Daichi was so careful and gentle with his movements.

Shinju snapped a picture before turning around silently. These boys weren't innocent of course but they knew not to push each other. They weren't idiots. She knew that.

Daichi tested his tongue at Sugawara's lips and felt the smaller male giggle. He was so precious.

"Okay…" The brunette pulled away slightly and Sugawara smiled. "Was that okay?"

"Of course it was." He leaned back a bit, keeping eye contact with him. "You're a pretty a little more than okay kisser."

Daichi smiled. "You're a pretty little more than okay kisser too if I do say so." Daichi pecked his lips gently. Sugawara was like his little angel. So precious and kind.

He wasn't perfect but that was okay. Everything was okay. Daichi held Sugawara against his chest, still rocking back and forth subtly. "Hey…"


"You promise not to let go?"

"Of course." Daichi whispered. No way he'd let go. Not now or ever.

🥺 Much fluff

Also. Good news. Asanoya will start soon. :)

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