Chapter 3

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Throwing the guy in the ring he quickly tried to scramble out but the two guards wouldn't allow him to. I kissed the side of Victoria's head and took my arm off of her. Marcus started to put my gloves on but I ushered him not to. "Are you sure?" I nodded with my hard stare on the guy. I reached into Victoria's pocket and got my mouth guard out to put in. Victoria didn't want me to so she held onto me which made me look over to Marcus for help. He wrapped his arms around Victoria and pulled her off of me and out of the ring fighting him. I shook out my arms and walked to the guy who looked nervous but also ready to fight. The guards left and I put my hands up in defensive position. He did the same and started to walk towards me ready to punch. "Fight for the girl." I raised my eyebrow at this does he not watch my fights at all? Whatever it's not like he's going to win. I didn't answer so he assumed that was the prize. He threw a left and right jab at me which I swatted both out of the way and kneeled down to give him a quick left and right hook. Jumping back up he stumbled back against the ropes and growled, "Bitch." He ran at me this time but not bothering to cover his face. You lose. I effectively threw a hard right jab at his nose making his head snap back and nose start bleeding profusely. His eyes crossed and he fell backwards out cold. Dropping my hands I walked to my corner straight to Victoria without another glance. Everyone in the building was silent not knowing whether to cheer, boo, or be afraid. Marcus walked to the center of the ring while Victoria wrapped her arms around my neck burying her face in the side of my neck while my arms went around her waist tightly. Marcus yelled out, "Nobody! And I mean nobody mess with Seeker or that," he pointed to the knocked out guy, "Will be you next." Without another word Marcus walked over to us and said, "Come on let's go." Nodding I put my arm back over Victoria and everyone cleared out for me. At the exit I nodded at Mark who smiled at me and walked over. "Protective looks good on you. Don't lose it." He winked and handed me $800, "Just a little extra. See you next time Seeker." Nodding once we all walked to Marcus's car in front of the building. Opening the door for Victoria she climbed into the back while I sat passenger again. Marcus quickly started driving us back to our apartment so I could take everything off. "Wow that was insane Faith." I shrugged and offered my hand to Victoria for my mouth guard case which she placed in my hand wordlessly. I knew that she was upset with what I did so I let her be for now. I took my mouth guard out and put it inside the case and then the glove box. "I had to make sure no one would mess with you guys. I need to keep you all safe and what better way then making an example out of someone who wouldn't listen to my threats."

I untied the mask and put it away and then took out my contacts putting it all in the glovebox and closed it. When we parked in front of the apartment Victoria got out and walked inside the complex silently. Sighing I waited for Marcus to give me half of tonight. I split the $800 and gave half to him and hugged him. "Thank you for making the announcement for me." He smiled and leaned over to hug me and gave me the money, "I know where you were coming from so don't worry about it. Now go and talk to Victoria, she can't stay mad at you for long." I nodded and stood outside the car, "Tell Doctor Perry I said hello." I winked and closed the door laughing. After Marcus drove off I walked up to our apartment and opened the front door knowing it was unlocked. Walking inside I locked the door behind me and walked to Victoria's room knowing she would be in there. "Vic?" I opened the door and saw her in bed facing the wall. At the edge of her bed was the mask she wears for the fights. I grabbed the mask and walked over to her dresser setting it there with the money. Opening her shirts drawer I grabbed a big one for myself and put it over my sports bra. Wordlessly I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her. "I'm sorry Vic but I couldn't just have him eyeing you like an object.  You know how protective I am with people I care about. Especially you, I had to make sure you would be safe from everyone there." I put my hand on her arm and squeezed lightly. After a couple of seconds I heard her speak, "I'm sorry too. I just got scared. The last thing I want to happen is you getting hurt. You've already been hit tonight I didn't want you to get hit by a full grown man." She looked over her shoulder at me with teary eyes. She grabbed my left hand with her left and intertwined our fingers. "Vic I do this for a living I am always going to be okay. Sure I might get some bruises and scratches but I always turn out fine. You have nothing to worry about okay." She nodded slowly and started to pull our connected hands so I would lay down behind her. "Wait I need to turn off the light." I let go of her hand and rolled over and off the bed to flick the switch. Walking back I crawled under the blankets and wrapped my right arm around her spooning her from behind. She intertwined our fingers again and moved closer to me. "Goodnight Vic and I am sorry."

There was movement under my arm which caused me to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that it was still dark out. Victoria was shifting closer to me and putting our connected hands under her chin. Adorable. Smiling I tightened my hold slightly and quickly went back to sleep. Daylight was peaking through the curtains causing the room to glow softly. Realizing that Victoria and I shifted sometime again throughout the night she was now laying fully on top of me with her head on my chest. My arms were on her lower back comfortably when she suddenly took a deep breath. I looked around the room and saw Victoria's phone on the dresser. I just want to know what time it is but I can't move now. Good thing I don't need to pee yet. I think a lazy day is in store for us both. Moving slightly up the bed Victoria groaned but adjusted so her head was now on my stomach and arms tightly around my waist. Now with half of my body elevated it gave me the chance to wake up a bit more and plan out our lazy day. Maybe we could do the sleepover on Friday since it's only Tuesday. "Quit thinking so loud Faith." Victoria mumbled and furrowed her eyebrows. Raising my right hand I started to run it through her hair, "I'm sorry I was planning some things. But since you're up mind if you let me go? I smell from last night and I would like to shower." She groaned but let go of the hold around my waist so I could slide out from underneath her. I walked over to the dresser and took her shirt off putting it in the dirty hamper. "I'm going to go shower and I'll cook us something once I'm out." Victoria groaned in agreement and I laughed grabbing the money and left to my room. Walking into my room I put the wad of cash on my own dresser and grabbed a bra, underwear, tank-top, and short shorts to change into after my shower. After my refreshing shower I changed into my clothes while I dried my hair with my towel walking into my room to hide the money with the rest. Now what should I make to eat? I walked back to my bathroom to hang my towel and went to the kitchen to see what I could make. Lets go simple and make alfredo pasta with chicken.

After getting all the ingredients I quickly started cooking and walked into the livingroom setting up the T.V. for our movie day. Putting on Netflix I walked back into the kitchen to make sure I didn't burn anything. Once the food was ready I turned the stove off and put everything into bowls and placed them on our small coffee table. Now time to wake up the beast. Laughing to myself I walked over to Victoria's room and opened the door.  Looking at her I decided I was going to jump on her to wake her up. Counting to 3 in my head I jumped onto her laughing, "Wake up sleepy head!" Victoria groaned loudly from under me and started waving her arms to try to get me off. "Faith get off. You're heavy." Gasping in offense I sat down next to her, "How rude and this is what I get for making you food." Victoria turned her head to look at me smiling, "That's what you get for laying on me." Smacking her arm I got off her bed and said, "Come on let's go watch movies and eat." I offered my hand for Victoria and she took it sliding off her bed. Letting go once outside her door I ran and jumped onto the couch and reached for my bowl to start eating. "You can pick a movie, I don't really care what we watch." Victoria nodded and sat down next to me starting to scroll through Netflix. I leaned against Victoria and continued to eat until she picked the movie IT. "I figured we would go for horror on the first one." I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder while she put an arm around my shoulders. A little later she had tried to reach for her bowl of food while keeping her arm around me.  "Vic you are going to fall if you try to keep that arm where it is."  I chuckled and she continued to reach, "Nope I've got it."  Pushing herself one more time she grabbed the bowl and leaned back into the couch.  Looking over at me she stuck her tongue out and said, "See I told you.  Gosh no faith in me."  I lightly hit her stomach and cuddled closer to her putting my head under her chin, "Whatever you say Vic."  She lightly squeezed and continued to watch the movie unmoving.

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