Chapter 12

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When we found a spot for all of us to set up our towels and umbrellas it had already been at least 10 minutes. "Ugh guys I am going to the water anyone else want to come?" I said while taking off my clothes so I was just in my bikini. Everyone but Marcus and Doctor Perry said yes. "We are going to lay here for a little first, we'll meet you over there in a bit." Marcus said while taking off his shirt. Looking at everyone who were in their swimsuits I said, "Race you!" I took off running while I could hear everyone laughing behind me. I had reached the water first and dived in when I was far enough. When I came back up to the surface I saw everyone was in a water war. I'll sit out on this one. Swimming a little further out I felt a body on my back with their legs around my waist and arms around my neck. "Why aren't you in the water battle?" Smiling I looked over my shoulder at Luna, "I could say the same to you Lu." She started laughing and rested her face on the back of my shoulder, "Touche." I swam around a little more with Luna still on me before I swam closer to the group. "Faith why didn't you join our water battle?" Jonathan asked when I got close enough. Luna moved her head so her chin was now on my shoulder, "I wanted to swim and I don't feel like drowning with all that water in my face." Everyone laughed and Luna randomly said, "I can literally feel every muscle when you move Faith. You are seriously fit." I looked at her over my shoulder and bursted out laughing with the rest of the group. Luna let go and we all swam around for a bit before Delilah said, "Let's play chicken." Immediately Tony walked over to me and said, "Ready to beat all of them babe?" I fist bumped him and nodded with a smile. Climbing onto his shoulders I saw Luna on top of Delilah and Victoria on top of Jonathan. Right before we were going to start Marcus and Stephanie walked over while he picked her up putting her on his shoulders, "You all are going down." We smiled and started the game walking towards each other. I was fighting off Luna when Victoria went after Stephanie.

"You're going down Faith." She grabbed onto my arms pushing me backwards. I tightened my grip with my legs and pushed forward, "You wish Lu." Pushing hard she lost her balance and both Delilah and Luna fell into the water. Looking down at Tony he raised one hand for a high five, "Now let's get the rest." He walked over to where Stephanie and Victoria were still pushing and pulling at each other. Marcus had a firm base for Stephanie and Jonathan tried to even himself out the best he could. Hm interesting. "I'm coming beware!" I yelled out while we got closer and closer. Stephanie had thrown Victoria's left shoulder making her and Jonathan stumble to try and regain balance but Marcus walked them closer to them so Doctor Perry could push her one last time. When she did Victoria and Jonathan went down and stood next to Delilah and Luna while I told Tony to keep a firm base. Now facing each other we both lunged at each other at the same time grabbing at each others arms. Pushing and shoving each other made us both lose balance many times but we both refused to go down. "Ugh Faith go down!" Stephanie said while she shoved me hard making us lose our balance. "I refuseeee!" Tony and ran to them and I pushed her as hard as I could making her fall off Marcus's shoulders. Tony and I raised our arms in victory and I yelled out, "Haha suckers! We win!" I slid off Tony's shoulders and pecked his lips. After a little bit of swimming I got out of the water and went to our towels to lay down for a bit. Water dripped off me while I laid with my hands under my head and I closed my eyes enjoying the smells and sounds that were around me. After a while everyone else walked back over to the towels and I brought out the food because I knew they were hungry. Hours later we all were tired since we stayed there for 7 hours, "Alright I'm pretty sure we're calling this a day now. Let's pack everything and I drop you all off."

"Today was so fun so thank you Faith." Victoria said while opening our apartment door. Smiling I kissed her cheek while I walked past her to go to our laundry room to drop off our dirty towels, "No problem, we honestly all needed it." Throwing the dirty towels in the washing machine I walked to the kitchen to offload all the food and trash we had from eating. Once I finished I heard knocks at the door. I don't remember us ordering anything. Walking to the door I opened it and noticed a box on the floor. Squatting down I picked it up and walked back inside and to my room. I set it down on my bed while I changed and took a shower to wash all the sand off. When I came back into my room I was dressed in a big shirt and short shorts. Now about this package. I sat down next to the box and brought it into my lap to open. Doesn't weigh much but I hear stuff in it. I hope this isn't Vic's. Grabbing my small pocket knife off my nightstand I cut the tape and opened it looking inside. The first thing that caught my eye were pictures. Confused I took them out and looked at them closer realizing who was in them. In the first photo it was me and Marcus walking out of the building I fight at to Marcus's car. My eyes widened when the second picture was me getting out of his car without my mask and contacts showing who I was. Fuck. The third picture is what made me panic. In the picture it was Victoria and I walking and talking into our apartment building with my arm over her shoulders and red writing at the bottom of the picture.

I know who you are Seeker. I haven't forgotten what you've done to me.

Victoria is in danger. Throwing the pictures back into the box and quickly closing it Victoria walked into my room. "What's that?" Panicking I stood up and said, "Some package I forgot I had ordered for Marcus." I put the package in my closet on the top shelf and walked over to my bed and noticed Victoria under my blankets. Smiling I put my hands on my hips while I looked at her, "And what are you doing?" Laughing Victoria opened her arms and said, "I want to cuddle tonight." I walked to my light and turned it off and climbed into bed laying on top of Victoria. She groaned not expecting me to lay on top of her. I put my head in the crook of her neck, arms on either sides of her shoulders, and legs on both sides of her waist. "Comfortable?" Victoria asked and I nodded and felt her start to run a hand through my hair. I hummed against her neck and mumbled an I love you before I fell asleep without a thought of the package. I had woken up when I felt movement under me causing me to tighten my hold. "Faith I need to pee." Victoria whispered while starting to run a hand through my hair. As my answer I only groaned and buried my face deeper into her neck making her chuckle. "Faith please?" Grunting I released my hold and rolled off of her to the left so my back was now to her. I was so tired I didn't bother to try and wake up. About a minute later I heard her come back out of the bathroom and lay down behind me. She wrapped am arm around my waist and pulled me closer to her which made me turn around and tuck my face under her chin while holding her shirt. "Goodnight again Faith." Victoria said quietly and kissed my temple. Hours later I had woken up again and noticed that Victoria and I shifted in our sleep so I was half on her body. Looking over at my alarm clock I noticed it was 4 in the afternoon. Wow I didn't realize I was that tired. I pushed myself upright and stretched hearing my limbs pop and me groan slightly. Victoria was still peacefully sleeping when I looked down at her. I haven't gone on a run in forever. Why not do it again. Getting up I grabbed my workout clothes and went to my bathroom to sort out everything I needed to do. By the time I got out my hair was in a ponytail, dressed in my workout clothes, and had my arm band for my phone on. I grabbed one of my sticky note pads and wrote that I was on a run so Victoria knew when she woke up. Placing the sticky note down I walked out of the room and plugged my earbuds in starting my playlist.

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