Chapter 5

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A kiss was placed on my forehead making my eyes open.  "Morning baby, how did you sleep?"  Smiling at Tony I rested my head back on his chest, "In your arms I always sleep good."  Looking up at him he smiled and started to lean down for a kiss.  I put my hand over his mouth making him stop, "I am not kissing you with morning breath."  I could feel him smile against my hand and place a couple kisses.  He reached for my hand and pulled it away, "I don't care about morning breath."  He leans in again and I stop him once more, "Well I do."  I start to get up but Tony quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back down.  Tony started peppering kisses all over my face making me laugh.  "Babe lets brush our teeth then you'll get all the kisses you want."  Reluctantly he let go and on the way to my bathroom I said to him, "Might want to take care of yourself first though.  Someone decided to make an appearance."  I heard movement come from behind me and suddenly I was picked up and walked back towards the bed.  After our fun we brushed and did our business and walked into the kitchen.  "What would you like to have for breakfast?"  I jumped up onto the counter and looked at him, "Whatever you want.  I don't really have a preference right now."  Tony nodded and got the ingredients out to make what looked like omelets.  "Mmm should be good."  I hopped off the counter and leaned up slightly to kiss him on the cheek.  "Go watch T.V. baby I'll call you over when it's done."  Humming I kissed his cheek again and walked to the couch.  What is there to watch?  Maybe there is something on the discovery channel.  Turning on the T.V. I put the number of the channel in.  Oo ancient Egypt.  They were talking about mummies and the Egyptian Gods which quickly got me engrossed in.  A couple minutes later I felt a kiss on my cheek making me look away from the T.V.  "Mmm smells good babe."  I leaned in to kiss him quickly and took the plate from his outstretched hand.  "What are you watching?"  I hummed and took a bite out of the omelet.  Wow this is good.  "It's talking about mummification and Egyptian Gods.  It's pretty interesting actually."  Out of the corner of my eye I saw him nod and take a bite. 

After some small talk and learned facts we finished eating and were cuddled together still watching the show.  Keys were being messed with outside the apartment door and then I heard Jonathan, "All safe in here?  I don't want to see my best friends half or fully naked."  Rolling my eyes I let Tony answer for us, "So dramatic J, everyone is fully clothed."  Jonathan laughed and walked in with Victoria.  I smiled at both of them and Victoria moved to sit down next to me.  I moved away from Tony so I was able to hug Victoria.  "So how was it for you two yesterday.  But please spare me the details."  Victoria laughed and Jonathan sat on the armrest at the end of the couch.  "I say it went really good."  Victoria said and I let go of her to cuddle back into Tony.  Jonathan started talking to Tony and I listened against his chest.  I am so happy I have such good friends.  This is my family the only people missing is Luna and Delilah.  My thoughts were interrupted when Tony whispered in my ear, "Let me take you on a date later today?"  Smiling I nodded and pecked his jaw.  "See you at 5 baby."  He kissed the side of my head and made a move to get up, "Alright J lets give our girls some space.  Don't want them to get tired of us now do we."  Tony looked at me and winked making me smile wider.  Jonathan nodded and leaned to kiss Victoria goodbye.  "See you guys later."  Then they both left out the front door.  "Ready for the sleepover tomorrow?"  Victoria said while looking at the T.V.  Raising my eyebrows I looked over at her surprised, "Wow this week flew by.  I didn't even realize it was tomorrow."  Victoria chuckled and said, "I know it doesn't even feel like it.  Just like how we have a month left before we start our first year of college."  I moved so my head was in her lap responding, "I would rather take a year off if I am being honest but then I won't remember anything when I go back."  I felt her hand start to run through my hair, "Yeah me too."

After watching the show for another hour my eyes were starting to droop.  "Take a small nap Faith."  I hummed and fell asleep soon after.  When I woke up I was alone but could hear music playing faintly in the distance.  Groaning I sat up and stretched out my body and got up to go to the kitchen.  Seeing the stove clock it was already 4 in the afternoon.  Wow didn't think I would sleep for this long.  I opened the fridge and got out a water bottle drinking half of it.  I should probably check my phone.  Walking to my room I could hear Victoria singing quietly to 'American by Lana Del Ray'.  Smiling I opened my door and found my phone on my nightstand.  2 texts from Tony and 1 from Marcus.  I answered Marcus's first.

Marcus: "Training tomorrow morning at 8.  I'll pick you up."

Me: "Sounds good see you tomorrow Mar.🙂"

Clicking out I went to Tony's.

Tony: "I'm glad we got to hang out last night and this morning.  I always enjoy our time together."

Tony: "Also make sure you dress casual for tonight.  See you later baby.😉"

I smiled at the texts and quickly replied and turned off my phone.  I walked to my closet and started to figure my outfit.  He said casual.  Do I want comfort casual or kind of cute casual?  Tapping my bottom lip I looked at my Jean's and picked a dark pair with a light grey V-neck shirt.  This will work.  I placed my clothes on my bed and took off my shirt.  Behind me my room door opened and Victoria asked, "Where you headed?"  I grabbed my shirt and turned around to face her, "Tony and I are going on a date in..."  I reached for my phone and looked at the time while putting my shirt on.  "In 30 minutes."  Victoria smiled and went to sit on my bed, "Oo where are you guys going?"  I shrugged and went to take off my pajama shorts, "He didn't say.  All he said was to dress casual."  I put on my Jean's and turned putting my hands on my hips asking, "Good?"  Victoria nodded and went to my dresser to grab my moon necklace.  "Turn around."  Turning I moved my hair to the side and she put on my necklace.  I felt the clasp closing and Victoria said, "All done."  I turned around to face her and wrap my arms around her neck pulling her into a hug.  "I feel like I can't thank you enough for taking me in after my horrible parents.  All while putting yourself and your family at risk.  So thank you Vic."  Victoria wrapped her arms tightly around my waist, "Of course Faith.  You protect me so all I can do is repay the favor."  I smiled against her shoulder and whispered, "I love you Vic."  I felt her smile against me saying, "I love you too Faith."  We hugged for longer then I thought because soon I could hear knocking on our door.  "That's Tony,"  I said while breaking away and giving her a smile.  She walked to my nightstand and grabbed my phone handing it to me.  I grabbed it and put it in my back pocket and we both walked to the livingroom while I went to open the door.  "Hey baby ready to go?"  Tony said while smiling.  I smiled back and leaned to peck his lips quickly answering, "Yeah lets head on out."  I grabbed a sweater just in case and heard Victoria saying behind me, "Make sure you have her home by 12 young man."  Tony and I both started laughing and I walked out looking at a laughing Victoria.  Tony saluted and said, "Yes ma'am."  Smiling and shaking my head I closed the door and turned to Tony.  "Hope you enjoy what I have planned for us."  Grabbing his hand I smiled and answered back with, "Since it's something you planned I most likely will."  He kissed my temple and started walking, "Lets go then."

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