Chapter 16

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There was a bright light on the other side of my eyelids which made me groan.  No sound came out which made me confused.  Then I realized my body felt heavy and it was hard to open my eyes.  Open your eyes Faith.  Trying again my eyes opened slowly and was met with the bright lights of the hospital.  Groaning quietly I lifted my heavy left arm to rub my eyes.  Opening my eyes wider I looked around the empty room and out the window that the blinds were open.  The sun was just about to go over the building so I figured it was probably 4 or 5 in the morning.  Moving everything I could at that time I tried to move my body but I felt sore.  Okay moving isn't that easy.  Noted.  A couple minutes later I heard the door open and a nurse walked around the corner with what I am assuming is a check up list.  She didn't look up until she was right next to me which made her jump and eyes widened.  "Oh my gosh you're awake."  She went to leave but I quickly moved my arm to grab her wrist stopping her.  Wow that took a lot if energy.  "Wait could you help me shower I feel gross."  She went to say something but I cut her off, "Please."  The nurse looked at the door once more before looking back at me and nodded.  She started unplugging and unhooking wires and tubes and helped me to the bathroom in the room.  After she helped me shower and walked back into the room I sat on the edge of the bed when I heard a familiar voice coming around the corner.  "How are her...  Faith!"  Doctor Perry dropped everything she had and ran to hug me.  I wrapped my arms around her neck while hers were around my waist.  "I can't believe you're awake!"  She said muffled into my shoulder.  I smiled and looked at the nurse who was watching our interaction.  "I heard and saw everything."  I said while letting go of her so she chould stand up straight.  "Thanks for all the great words."  She smiled and me and fixed her coat and stethoscope around her neck to maintain her composure, "I meant every word.  I am so happy you're back."  She attached my IV bag again and helped me sit back a bit so she could do her full check up.  While she was doing that we made small talk of her filling in what I have missed since the first day of being brought into the hospital.

"Lexy brought you inside in her arms while you were out cold bleeding from your stomach. While she was screaming for someone's help.  I ran over and with 3 other nurses and a gurnee to put you on.  We ran you over to surgery while a nurse talked to Lexy about what had happened.  The bullet was lodged inside since there wasn't a out hole.  Your surgery lasted for 4 hours trying to get fragments, the bullet, and to stitch everything up again.  We never expected you to fall into a coma."  Doctor Perry sat on the chair that was next to me while I raised the bed into a sitting position.  "Wow I didn't think it was that bad."  Stephanie nodded and continued, "When we finished with the surgery I went to get clean and visited the waiting room where everyone was at.  Once they saw me I quickly filled them in with how you were doing.  Victoria was the one that took it the hardest.  She fell to the ground but everyone quickly helped so she wasn't alone.  After that Marcus and I talked and decided we were going to tell Victoria everything seeing that it was the reason that you were in a coma.  She was angry at first but then she was sad that she didn't know what was happening or couldn't tell that something was off about you.  Then the blaming kicked in for her and that's when she fully lost it."  My eyes started to water while Stephanie continued to tell me the story.  I can't believe I put her in so much pain.  I am so happy everyone stuck by her though.  "She never left the room and everyone came to visit everyday to make sure both you and her were okay.  It hurt seeing her like that as much as I saw you lifeless in this bed.  Victoria's heath dropped dramatically as time went on and we try to help but we can only convince her so much.  Now that you're awake I am convinced you can help her more then we ever could."  Nodding she stood up and grabbed her list and hugged me again before saying, "Alright I have been in here way too long.  I've got other patients but I'll check in again later."  I smiled her and said, "Thank you Stephanie for everything and I fully mean that."  Smiling she nodded once and then left the room.  All that pain on everyone when I wanted to keep the pain away from them.  Ridiculous.  About 2 hours later the door opened and Victoria walked in with her head down.  She was wearing one of my graphic T-shirts and sweats with her hair in a low ponytail.  "Wow and not even a hello?"  I chuckled and Victoria froze while setting her bag down not looking at the bed. 

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