Chapter 13

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I had gotten back from my run about an hour later and when I opened the apartment door my nose was filled with the smell of food. "Mm smells good in here." I said while closing the door and walking to the kitchen. Victoria was cooking chicken while I saw the vegetables frying next to the chicken pot. I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder saying, "Whatcha making?" Victoria chuckled and said, "Chicken, fried vegetables, and some white rice in the pot." I hummed and squeezed lightly before letting go, "It smells good and I am going to shower real quick I am pretty sweaty." Victoria nodded and I left to my room to shower. By the time I was done with my shower Victoria called out that the food was ready. Walking to the dinning room I sat down and smelled the food that was sitting in front of me. I smiled and looked over at Victoria and side hugged her. After we finished our very late lunch I asked Victoria what she wanted to do. "I don't know, I honestly don't feel like changing to go anywhere." Victoria said which made me laugh because I was feeling the same. "Watching movies it is." We both went to the couch and Victoria suddenly gasped. Confused I looked at her and she said, "I just remembered I saw this show on TV called 'Clarice' and it seemed interesting. Want to watch it?" I shrugged and she went to find the show when there was a knock at the door. "Expecting anyone?" I shook my head and immediately the box came back into mind. What if it's whoever is stalking me. I got up and went to the door slowly while heart was pounding. If anyone is going to get hurt it's me. I won't let anyone hurt Vic. Balling my right hand into a fist I swung open the door and saw Delilah and Luna who were smiling. Friends, it's just friends. I relaxed my hand and took a deep breath putting on a fake smile. They seemed to notice my mood and looked a little concerned, "Everything okay Faith?" I nodded and brought them into a hug, "What are you guys doing here?" Letting them go I stepped aside so they could come inside, "We got bored so we thought to come over here." We all laughed and I pointed to Victoria who was clicking onto the first episode. Luna and Delilah ran over and jumped on her and I closed the door locking it.

"Ugh guys get off!" Victoria was laughing while they continued to lay on her. I sat back down on the right edge of the couch when everyone got off Victoria. Delilah sat on the other side of Victoria and Luna sat sideways on her lap, "So what are we watching?" I grabbed the pillow from behind me and held it in my arms saying, "Clarice." Luna clapped once and then the show started. Halfway into the 3rd episode Victoria took the pillow I was holding and put it on the floor. I pouted and Victoria chuckled before moving her upper body to half lay on me. Her head was on my right shoulder and my arms were basically cradling her. She held onto my left arm that crossed in front of her and continued watching the show. By the time we finished season 1 it was almost 1 in the morning. "I think we should call it guys it's 1." Delilah and Luna yawned and nodded stretching out. "Here you guys can stay over. You guys care for the pullout couch?" They shook their head and I picked up Victoria in my arms seeing that she was seconds from falling asleep. "I'll be right back with blankets and pillows." They nodded and started taking the pillows and cushions off. I carried Victoria to her room and laid her under her covers. Grabbing extra blankets and pillows out of the hallway closet I carried them to Luna and Delilah who were sitting on the now made bed. "Here you go guys I got some clothes if you guys want to change into. Come on." They both got up and followed me to my room. Pulling out sweats and shorts I asked, "Who wants what?" Delilah took the shorts and Luna took the sweats. I grabbed two old t-shirts and smiled at them. They pulled me into a hug and said goodnight to me. "Night guys see you in the morning." I closed my door after they left my room and went to lay down. What do I do about the pictures? Should I keep it from Victoria? Last time you did she got taken by your parents. But I don't want her in danger. What if telling her would put her in more danger? Ugh I won't call the police because I really don't want to deal with the paperwork and the cost. It could all just be a prank? Don't be insane you know it's not.

I rubbed my temples and groaned quietly. One thing that I know for sure is that I need to protect Victoria as much as I can. She will not be taken from me again. Before I knew it, it was morning and I hadn't slept at all. My mind didn't let me from overthinking every possible scenario and things that I could do about the whole situation. Groaning I grabbed my phone and saw it was 6 am. I called Marcus because he was going to be the only one to know about this. On the second ring he picked up.

"Faith? Is something wrong?"

Poor guy, he sounds like I just woke him up.

"I'm sorry for waking you up Mar but is there anyway we can meet up? Like right now?"

I heard movement on the other end which I was assuming he was sitting up.

"Yeah of course."

"Okay meet me at the little cafe by my old house in 10 minutes?"

"See you there."

I hung up and walked to my bathroom to get ready. Changing into a black hoodie and light blue Jean shorts with my black Vans I made my way into the livingroom. Delilah and Luna were cuddled together still fast asleep and Victoria's room door was still closed which meant she was also still asleep. Time to go. I quietly took my keys and left the apartment locking it behind me. I drove to the coffee shop in silence, stuck in my thoughts again. Is this even a good idea to be telling Marcus? I can still back out. No you have to tell him. Ugh! I pulled into the parking lot and got out going straight for the register I needed coffee if I was going to stay awake long enough to explain everything. Taking a seat by the window I waited for my coffee to be done. "Order for Faith!" My head snapped to the counter where a guy was holding my coffee. Getting up I grabbed it and went to the table again. Gosh I need this. Closing my eyes momentarily the chimes went off saying someone walked in. Marcus looked around for me until we made eye contact and he held a finger up at me as in a hold on a second. He went to the register and bought a drink for himself and I assumed he was getting coffee too. After he orded he sat in front of me and said, "Morning." I said the same back and took another sip of my drink. Marcus's name was called and he got up to get his drink. "Alright clearly you called me for something important because you didn't get sleep last night with the huge and dark bags under your eyes, this couldn't wait until later in the day, and you are clearly panicking so what's going on?" I sighed and put my drink down looking at the table, "Someone is out to get me." Marcus jerked forward in surprise and said, "Did you say someone is after you." Slowly nodding my head I looked up and saw Marcus angry, confused, and concerned flash through his eyes. "How do you know?" He said slowly.

Taking another drink I said, "A package was at the door and inside were pictures of me or of us leaving a fight and another leaving the car completely exposed. It also had a note on the picture saying they knew who I was and that they haven't forgotten what I did." Marcus clenched his fist out of anger, "Where's the box?" I took a big gulp finishing my drink and when I was going to say my phone started to ring. Looking at it, it was Victoria. I simply turned off my phone and shoved it in my hoodie pocket. "I set it on the top shelf in my bedroom closet. Also don't tell anyone please Mar I don't want to put anyone in danger. I mean I thought about telling you this entire morning. I was honestly thinking about turning around and not coming here." Marcus reached for my hand and took it, "I am glad you did though. I do want to see this myself though." He took his hand back and finished his drink. Shaking my head I said, "I don't want to go back there. Not yet at least." Nodding Marcus said, "Come to my place then. You need sleep Faith. I can go to your apartment when you take your nap." I sighed and reluctantly nodded and we made our way out to our cars. Following Marcus back to his house I couldn't help but think was telling Marcus a good idea? Walking into his house he gestured to the guest room and I simply walked over and closed the door behind me. Taking off my shoes I crawled into bed and went under the covers to take a nap. Closing my eyes I fell asleep instantly. What if the people I love end up getting hurt. It would be all my fault again.

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