Chapter 10

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Currently I was staring at my opponent across the ring.  Marcus was telling me what he always does while fixing my gloves.  "This one is pretty matched up to you compared to the others.  Just be aware and fight smart."  I nodded while keeping eye contact with her.  He nodded and left the ring when the announcer came out.  We met in the middle and touched gloves starting the fight.  We circled each other a few times before she threw the first punch.  I bobbed under it and went for a right hook that she ducked under.  Hm interesting.  She circled me and threw 3 left hand jabs at me that I swatted away.  I threw a 1,3,5 (left jab, right hook, left uppercut) combo which I hit the hook and uppercut.  She fell back against the ropes but stayed standing.  Can take a hit.  Noted.  She shook her head to get her bearings back and put her hands back up.  Throwing a left hook and right uppercut I got hit in the ribs making me take a step back.  It stung but I didn't want to show her that it effected me that much.  I stepped forward and threw another combo making her fall to the floor.  The crowd was going crazy and the ref was counting.  She stood back up at count 6 and put her hands back up.  The bell rung signaling it was the end of the first round.  I walked to my corner and Marcus set up my stool.  "How's your side she got you pretty well."  I shook my head and watched her manager stop the bleeding coming from her nose.  "Are you sure you are okay?"  I nodded and opened my mouth for the water he was offering.  "Alright stay quick on your feet and keep your hands up.  Watch her moves for a weak spot."  Nodding I stood up and Marcus left the ring.  The bell rung and we walked towards each other for round 2.  I was the one to throw the first punch this time and nailed her on her cheek.  She came back and hit me with a right jab in my right eye making my head snap back.  I turned so my back was to her and looked at Marcus who was worried.  I felt blood start to drip down behind my mask staining it from the inside.  Squinting I turn back to her and put my hands up.  This ends now.  Angry I threw a left hook which she went under and I hit her hard with a right uppercut.  She was stunned and I knew she was seconds away from being knocked out.  While she looked at me her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she started to fall.  I went to catch her and set her on the ground stepping away for the ref to call it.

When he raised my arm in victory I walked to my corner and Marcus quickly said to me, "Come on let's go, we have to clean that gash."  Marcus took off my gloves and we got the money from Mark on the way out.  In the car Marcus said, "Well now you have more wounds then you had when I picked you up."  When Marcus picked me up he noticed my bruised cheek and asked about it which then I told him the whole story.  Taking off my mask slowly I grabbed some tissues to help stop the bleeding, "But now she is going to freak out about my black eye and cut eyebrow.  Oh and all the blood that is running down my face."  Marcus rubbed my arm trying to calm me down, "It's okay Faith don't freak out.  And leave the mask on your seat so I can clean it."  I took everything out and off with one hand while the other applied pressure to the cut.  Marcus split our money and I left to go inside.  Opening the our apartment door I noticed there was a soft light coming from the livingroom.  It's almost 3 in the morning I thought Vic was asleep.  "Faith?  How did it go?"  Snap she's going to freak out when she sees my face.  Keep your head down.  "Uh it went good why aren't you asleep?"  I put my keys down and walked to the kitchen knowing the tissue I had was soaked through with blood.  "Shit."  I whispered, the cut started to bleed heavily again making it start to drip.  "I couldn't stay asleep.  Faith are you okay?"  I could hear her voice getting closer.  "Yeah I just wanted some water."  I was at the sink cleaning my hands.  "Faith what are you doing?"  Victoria was behind me at this point.  Can't escape now.  I sighed and turned around making her gasp.  "Faith!"  She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the guest bathroom and told me to sit on the counter.  Running around frantically she grabbed a rag and wet it bringing it to my face.  "What happened?"  I closed my eyes while she continued to wipe my face, "Got hit in the eye making the black eye and it cut my eyebrow open.  I knocked her out after."  She sighed and I opened my eyes when she stopped wiping.  "Bleeding stopped for now let me get cream and a small bandaid."  I nodded and she started looking through all the cabinets.

I pulled the wad of cash out of the back of my spandex and put it onto the counter.  "I got extra for the fight tonight,"  I quietly said.  Victoria stood back in front of me but didn't say anything while she carefully put the cream and bandaid on.  Looking into her eyes I could tell she was sad and upset.  "I'm sorry Vic."  I looked back down to the floor and heard her sigh.  "This is why I don't like you fighting Faith.  I can't stand this."  I didn't say anything I just pulled her into a tight hug.  Victoria started to softly cry into my neck and I rubbed her back, "It's okay I told you I would always come back.  Now I don't know about you but I am exhausted.  Let's sleep?"  She nodded against my neck and pulled away to wash her face.  I held out my left hand while the right had my money.  When she took it I walked us to my room.  Victoria went under my covers while I set the money on my dresser and changed into a tank-top.  Turning off the light I walked to my bed and got under the covers laying on my back.  Victoria immediately moved over to put a leg between mine and half of her body on me along with her head on my chest.  I ran a hand through her hair for comfort and I felt her finger trace shapes on my collarbone.  "2 weeks left,"  Victoria mumbled out tiredly.  College.  I hummed and started thinking of ways to hang out before we get crazy busy again.  "I don't really want to go,"  Victoria sighed.  "Me neither."  A couple minutes later I could hear Victoria's breathing even out.  Moving my left arm I reached out for my nightstand for my phone and when I felt it I carefully turned the brightness down before it woke up Victoria.  Going into the groupchat with everyone I texted.


Me: "Beach tomorrow at 11am I'll pick up everyone."

Luna: "Yay beach day!  Delilah and I are in."

Tony: "Same with us too."

Me: "See you guys tomorrow.✌"

Luna: "👋."

Tony: "✌."

Turning off and plugging in my phone to charge I let myself fall asleep.

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