No. 1

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"Aish, do you think you're cute?" The girl stares blankly at the little creature that follows her.

"Meow." The creature looks at her as well.

"You're not cute!!" The naive girl left the kitten on the sidewalk.


"Yah! Stop following me!" The girl glares at the poor little creature before she walked away.

"Don't you think you're too much rude?"

"Huh?" The oblivious girl halt and looked at the back and found nobody talking to her.

"I think I'm going insane." She shook her head and quickly walked passed the city park.

"She heard me but she only glares at me and being rude at me. Stupid humans." The stray kitten said as she watched the former demon nervously scurried away through the paved walk.



"Oh, good morning TaeYeon?!" The cafe owner greeted the moody girl who enters the front door.

"Good morning Mrs. Hwang." The girl casually said before she quickly passed through the surprise owner but she shrugged and found her cute instead.

"Does she has her PMS today?" The beautiful cafe owner thought. 

*(Premenstrual Syndrome)


"Hey! Hey! Do you hear me?" The lost spirit living on the cafe building comically waved back and forth to the girl who makes coffee on the costumer.

"This brat don't have some manners." The spirit stick her tongue out when the girl completely ignores her.

"Hey Choi Sooyoung!" Another spirit appears happily and waves at her friend.

"Oh, Kwon Yuri?"

"You're still here?" The ghost named Yuri asked her friend whose wandering in the cafe for almost 5 years now.

"I just couldn't leave." Sooyoung smile sadly before her eyes wanders searching for a certain person.

"Hey hey don't be too sad let's party." Yuri pulled her friend somewhere around the cafe since nobody seen them and left the busy barista alone.

"Those two idiots still wandering here." The girl sighed heavily watching the two spirits messing with the customers.


"You think there's something strange here?" The owner asked TaeYeon as they prepare to close the cafe.

"I think I'm the one whose strange here." TaeYeon pointed at herself making the owner laughs at her because she doesn't want Mrs. Hwang to feel terrified from the wandering spirits.

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