No. 3

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"So, you're silently saying that you're gonna stay with me?" TaeYeon stated and got a happy nod from the cat girl who turns to a human or should she say "demon".

"Besides I am you're responsibility now." Jessica smirk from her victory when she saw TaeYeon's grimace reaction.

"BUT YOU FORCE ME!!" TaeYeon yelled but she quickly composed herself not wanting to burden her whole neighborhood.

"It's a pact so you won't abandon me so easily and I have no place to stay either." Jessica sadly said made TaeYeon's heart soften but she was wrong when the cat girl jumps into her that leads them to stumble on the floor with TaeYeon underneath.

"YAH YOU WILL KILL ME WITH HEART ATTACK!!???" TaeYeon trying her luck to push Jessica off her but the cat girl seems so happy that she will had the chance to stay with her Lord Lucifer on her different form and body.

"I don't know that Lucifer might be the cutest in up close." Jessica complimented the shorter girl that made her blush.

"YAH GET OFF ME!!!!???" TaeYeon and Jessica wrestle and screams in a playful manner before they heard the neighbors complaint.

"YAH IF YOU "DOING" IT PLEASE TONE DOWN YOUR VOICE I'M F*CKING TRYING TO GET MY SLEEP HERE YOU HORNY RABBITS!!!!!" The angry complaint made TaeYeon's face reddened and Jessica could only laugh and pinch her cheeks.

"YAH STOP PINCHING ME!!!" TaeYeon said in a low voice sounds more a whisper into Jessica's ears.

"You're too adorable Lucifer." Jessica giggles before she checked every corner of TaeYeon's small apartment.

"Yeah whatever." TaeYeon roll her eyes and she strictly made rules for Jessica to learn if she wants to stay with her.

But everything seems didn't simply follows according to her plan when Jessica started spitting nonsense.

"Do I need to wear a maid outfit?"

"What time do you get home?"

"Cooking? What the hell is that?"

"It's too tiring but if you'll take me into your workplace maybe it will sound exciting for me!"

And that day started the hellish life in TaeYeon's peaceful routine ignoring the fact that she's the infamous Lucifer before in what Jessica claims that she was but she needs a plan to kicked out her as soon as possible or she will be in a living hell with the troublemaker fellow demon.

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