No. 4

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"Please take me with you!" Jessica whines at the poor TaeYeon who keeps on avoiding the deathly glares from the passersby yet she remain tough not to willingly gave up on the catgirl.

"Hey! Just gave up on your girlfriend!" An old woman yells angrily at her like she's lecturing her but the fact that Jessica only wants attention and secretly setting her up to gladly take the b*tch woman on her workplace.

"Such a rude girlfriend you are!" She heard murmurs from the highschool students behind them and she could only glares back at them before the group of students had left.

"Just take her with you!" An middle age couple said with tone of disgust on her.

"Why do they keep bothering in someone else businesses?" TaeYeon thought to herself before her attention back into whining cat girl infront of her.

"Let's go." TaeYeon calmly said but she was being harshly pulled and she fell into Jessica's arms instead of the hard pavement making a very romantic scene from a movie.

"YAH LET ME GO!!" TaeYeon was flustered and pushed Jessica off her making the cat girl giggles.

"Are you that happy when I'm suffering?" TaeYeon rolls her eyes before she disgustedly pulled Jessica's arms with her as they walked together on her workplace. She will explain it to her boss about bringing a whining kid with her.

TaeYeon sighed. Really?

But before they could cross the street, a car safely stopped infront of them and the window rolls down showing her boss wide smile on her but turns into a deep frown when Tiffany saw her crush hand intertwined with a stranger. She remains silence before TaeYeon broke the awkward atmosphere between them.

"Good morning Mrs. Hwang." TaeYeon politely said as she bows respectfully.

"Good morning TaeYeon." Tiffany coldly said before she glares at Jessica beside her crush.

"Mrs. Hwang let me introduce Jessica she's my ----" TaeYeon's being harshly pushed behind Jessica so she couldn't see her boss talking.

"She's mine." Jessica stood her place intimidating the eye smile woman whose looking at her with too much displeasure.

"Well, I didn't know that my favorite employee already had a lover." Tiffany sarcastically said before her eyes caught TaeYeon's showing her a sign of "NO" and dramatically mouthing "sorry" at her so she immediately caught the message and smirks at Jessica whose lying into her face.

"I will offer you both a ride together with me so we could easily arrive at Sweet Heaven's." Tiffany offered but seems like TaeYeon hesitates.

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