No. 13

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"Long time no see!" Irene's face became pale when her older sister kisses her lips and put a charm concealer on her.

"IRENE!!!!" Wendy screams from behind.

"F*ck!!!" Irene got poison from her older sister's kiss and concealed her power as well, she immediately fell down on the ground twisting from pain.

"Jessica!!!" Wendy assaulted Jessica who put poison the demon lord but she swiftly dodge the attack and tackle Wendy down on her back.

"Argh!" Wendy got underneath Jessica who pushes her knees further on her back making him grunt in pain.

"I will put other charm on you as well." Jessica whisper on Wendy's ear before she cast a spell on her eyes before she fell asleep.

"What did you do to Wendy?" Irene gritted her teeth in pain when the poison already invaded inside her body and conceals every inch of her dark power. The fact that Jessica was half blooded celestial since her mother born as pure blooded angel while her father was a demon and Lucifer's loyal companion but during the celestial war, he died from Almighty's hands.

"I don't need to explain everything to you my dear and beloved evil sister." Jessica arrogantly ignores her sister plead as she let Wendy asleep but she will wake up blind because of the dark and strong spell from one of the legendary demon.


•Lucifer himself but she's living as TaeYeon now on these generation.

•Jessica's father who born to be loyal under Lucifer's wings.

•Jessica who inherited the angel and demon attributes from her late parents.

•Irene who inherited the same attributes like her older sister but she's weaker compare to Jessica's strength.

•Angel Concealer of Darkness


"You need to take your deep slumber while I'm dealing with Lucifer's daughter and Lucifer by myself." Jessica pulls off Irene's hair roughly when she stares at her eyes, Irene completely weakening from the poison and the charm concealer making her body weakens as well.

"You will pay for it!" Irene's eyes slowly getting hazy and sleepy because of the side effect of the poison and charm that Jessica put on her.

"Have a good dream." Jessica kisses her younger sister's cheek before she quickly vanished through dark clouds and follows Moonbyul's dark and strong aura.

"She's Lucifer's daughter indeed." Jessica smirk and joins the three angels to defeat Moonbyul's monstrous power as she became a grotesque monster and her inner demon power control and manipulate her mind and body.


"Oh, I didn't know I will find a wandering soul here in Seoul?" A stranger lurking around the cities when he senses the strong demon aura in the location and found the ghost Yuri instead.

"Hello? How can you see me?" Yuri asked curiously as she slowly approaches the figure wearing black suits like a grim reaper.

"Of course, I'm the Angel of Death Azrael." He solely collected souls who lost their path through Heaven and remains on Earth.

"You mean you will take me?" Yuri taken aback and halt when she realized that the person she's facing was a lost soul reaper that captures them like her.

"You're right but seems like your exception from my list Kwon Yuri." The ghost surprise that the Angel of Death knows her identity especially her own name.

"It's my job so don't be too surprise." The Angel laugh at her expression.

"I think I can help you once since I have so much time left in my hands before I join the party." The reaper refers to capturing Moonbyul and Lucifer together and searching for the most wanted Demon Rogue and his own daughter as well who killed many innocent people to eat and make her more powerful.

"I'll deal with Jessica later." The reaper take out his cigarette from its box making Yuri's face crunch from the smell.

"Don't smoke." Yuri bluntly scolded the reaper who amusingly looks at his in interest.

"Sorry." The reaper put the cigarette back on his black trench coat pocket and escort Yuri to find the person she's been searching so she could enter the Heaven peacefully now.


"Where did it came from?" Lucifer TaeYeon senses Moonbyul's aura from miles away where she was located since they we're having a short vacation with her colleague and boss.

"So, you're sensing the same too?" Tiffany putting her robe on after she got washed and smirk when she watched Lucifer who disguises as an innocent woman and kept an eye on her since day 1, watching her every movement everyday, she also knew where she lived because it's her mission to conceal the powerful Lucifer if she got her memories back again.

"Sensing? What do you mean?" TaeYeon was confused by Tiffany's behavior, she quickly changed after they make love awhile ago and she had no idea what's going on, she still doesn't get her memories back but Jessica told her that she's Lucifer who got punished by Almighty but unlike what Tiffany concludes right now confirming she had the memories from the past.

"You're finally awake great Lucifer. I've been hiding myself to everybody living a normal life even marrying a human as well and didn't let my strong angel charm catches attention." Tiffany sly smile made TaeYeon scared from her.

"What are you talking about Mrs. Hwang?" TaeYeon asked.

"Mrs. Hwang?" Tiffany scoffed.

"I'm the Angel concealer of Darkness." Tiffany introduce before she spread her beautiful, glorious and glowing angel wings from her back.

"You're a what?" TaeYeon's eyes widen when she realized that her boss was an angel in disguise and the one who will kill her.

To be continued.

A/N: Another twisted fact that Tiffany who also was a half blooded angel but she inherits the angel charm more from her angel mother whose also Jessica and Irene's mother, Tiffany's wings was a combination of black on her left and white on her right, she possessed a weapon of two edge blade black sword she inherited from her father Azrael or the Angel of Death, the God of Underworld and Almighty's half brother.

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