No. 15

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"Ms. Moon!" Angel Yongsun was the one who approach the monster form of her boss. Jessica was the one who put a charm on her that explains why she went berserk and wake up her demon side.

"Be careful Michelle." Wheein said as they step aback after they got an order from the older angel.

"I'll cast the sealing charm." Hwasa started to open a portal using her magic charm while Wheein holding her celestial arrows and ready to shoot the target if Yongsun will get hurt by the demon.

"It was not enough Maria." Yongsun said as she tried to get Moonbyul's attention on her.

Are you guys still fine here?" Suddenly, Tiffany flew into the three novice angels direction after TaeYeon followed her father in Heaven.

"I couldn't believe I would see the Angel Concealer of Darkness who sealed the legend demon lord Lucifer." Hwasa stunned by Tiffany's true angel form holding her pair of double edge swords.

"Can you seal the Lucifer's daughter?" Tiffany asked them.

"We'll see if Yongsun unnie can do it." Wheein answered.

"Why does she do it alone?" Tiffany asked nonchalantly while watching angel Yongsun at the back.

"She insisted." Hwasa said.

"It's Yongsun unnie's future girlfriend." Wheein bluntly spoke.

"Wheein!" Hwasa hissed from her friend's loudness.

"Future girlfriend? I see." Tiffany got the message and just silently watched how Yongsun will stop the monstrous form of Moonbyul slowly destroying the building.

"Moonbyul?" Yongsun whispered but the monster couldn't heard her instead she was being tackle on the rooftop floor.

"Yongsun!!!!!" Wheein was already position her arrow towards their target but Yongsun signal her not.

"What the? I don't know what she's thinking right now?" Wheein sighed heavily because her hands were itching for cold battle since she's born as a warrior angel who slay rogue demons like Jessica.

"Can you hear me?" Yongsun said while the monster starting to bite on her neck but the angel welcome her instead.

"Ms. Yongsun?" She felt Moonbyul using her telepathy to finally talk with the angel.

"Look at me in the eyes." Yongsun hugged Moonbyul's monstrous form, she wasn't afraid of her but she's scared that the demon will receive a hard punishment from the Almighty and they will get separate. She followed the angel and stare at her eyes deeply seeing the sparkling dazed of love and affection towards her, she slowly back to her original form as a human.

"Yongsun?" Moonbyul called.

"She finally did it." Tiffany sighed while the two angels at the back celebrating.

"I won the bet loser!" Hwasa smacked her friend's head and take the money from her.

"What the heck are they doing?" Tiffany watched Hwasa and Wheein play with themselves while bickering on one another.


"Say what?" TaeYeon protested when she finally and physically talked with the Almighty again.

"You will serve as a grim reaper." Almighty repeated again.

"Take it or leave it. It's your own decision Lucifer." While the Almighty lectures the poor demon, Azrael was drinking like a fish at the back as he listens to them.

"I will get back into my male form but I will serve as a grim reaper and works under him?" TaeYeon pointing at the Angel of Death who was smirking at her.

"You will have your memories back." TaeYeon went silent after Almighty mentioned the inclusions of their new deal.

"You don't want to be conceal again by Azrael's only daughter, right?" Almighty was the one who order Tiffany to watched over her activities on Earth but seems the angel fell in love with her.

"My daughter was literally head over heels on her." Azrael sighed because secretly he's been watching them both and got frustrated when his own daughter was scared to confess her feelings on TaeYeon because honestly speaking he's shipping them together.

"Is it true?" Almighty curiously asked after hearing the new information from his half brother.

"Yes, I have feelings for Tiffany." TaeYeon sighed in defeat but Almighty was happy with them.

"You changes a lot while staying on Earth and Tiffany with you." Almighty was proud of Lucifer but she must still clean her sins and serve for another thousand years as a grim reaper in exchange of being a weak woman who works at the bakery.

"I'll take the deal but make sure I will have my memories back." TaeYeon closes their deal and Azrael finally in relief.

"You will be starting from today." Almighty said.

"Okay." TaeYeon followed the Angel of Death who will train her as a grim reaper.

"Good luck Good Lucifer." Almighty was beyond happy with the outcome of one of his fallen angel that betrayed him but seems like Lucifer turns into a good one.

"Don't forget your promise!" TaeYeon yells happily as she waves goodbye to her former boss in Heaven.

"Mark my words, Lucifer." Then, Azrael and TaeYeon went into Hell together for her training as a grim reaper.

"Thank you Almighty." The Lucifer who known as the bad devil exist turns into a good and well mannered one that Almighty started to adore.

To be continued.

A/N: Next chapter will be the last one.

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