No. 16

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"Are you already done?" The angel asked after they finished her weekly reports and called her friend.

"Yes, I'm coming!" The other angel hurriedly answered the questions on the list and annoyed by the loud voice from behind.

"Faster, Wheein ah!" Hwasa angrily called when she prepare their equipments for the training.

"Geez, why so annoying?" Wheein followed her dear friend when they were assigned as the trainor of the novice angels.

"It's been 3 days in a row that we're both late for their training." Of course, these two are the laziest angel before but now they we're the responsible one.

"They will be fine without us." Wheein calmly said while fixing her arrows.

"Idiot! We are their teachers!" Hwasa hissed from her friend's stupidity sometimes but nonetheless, Wheein was the one powerful angels in Heaven since she's born to be a warrior.

"Nah, they can surpass us both if they practice everyday." Wheein nonchalantly said.


"Is Yongsun unnie will be fine?" Wheein asked Hwasa curiously, it's been a few years after they encountered monster Moonbyul and the Angel Concealer of Darkness together with Lucifer.

"She will fine." Hwasa smile when Yongsun choose to be with Moonbyul and stayed on Earth.

"I hope she will be happy now." Wheein sighed and misses the older angel.

"I know she will be happy with her." Hwasa assured her friend.


"Ms. Yongsun?" The boss called angrily.

"Yes Ms. Moon?" Yongsun hurriedly went to her boss who nagged all day because of the delayed reports of her employees.

"I don't want this TRASH!" The boss torn the papers into pieces when it's necessary.

"MOON BYUL YI." Yongsun scolded the young demon whose throwing her tantrums over the unfinished task since last week.

"I'm really stress out!" Moonbyul sighed in defeat when she heard the angel's loud voice and it's a warning for her.

"Relax and drink your tea." The secretary said while placing the cup on the boss desk makes Moonbyul calm.

"Thank you. You're the best." Yongsun was the only one who could make Moonbyul at peace after what happened a few years ago, she never let go of the angel ever since and even faces the Almighty for his permission but the angel also decided to stay with her and it makes her beyond happy.

"You're always welcome." Yongsun smile widely everytime Moonbyul calm down from her annoying self.

"How can I live without you?" Moonbyul sweetly said as her eyes lovingly stare at the beautiful angel beside her.

"I know you can't live without me." Yongsun smirk.

"Pretty much true." Moonbyul laugh.

"I love you my wife."

"I love you too idiot."


"Good morning Moonbyul." The unexpected guest appears out of nowhere making the married couple pulled away.

"C'mon Dad, I have a door? Can you knock sometimes and don't use your charm whenever you wants?!" Moonbyul scoffed seeing her father Lucifer who turns into a grim reaper and serves under Almighty's ordeal.

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