No. 14

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"Wait, wait!" TaeYeon swiftly dodges Tiffany's counter attack using the angel's double edge sword.

"I will conceal your power again!" Tiffany saw that the seal symbol that looks like a flower figure and slowly disappearing from TaeYeon's neck.

"Mrs. Hwang!" TaeYeon withdraw her black flame sword and block the angel's attack. Jessica was the one who uses charm on her and make the seal weaken and she felt the overflowing dark aura inside her body but the intentions of invasion was not on her mind.

"It's Lucifer!!!!" The three novice angels traces the Angel Concealer of Darkness when Moonbyul flew into Lucifer's location.

*sound of loud explosion nearby*

"What the heck is that?" TaeNy stop their fighting when they spotted the monster form of Moonbyul breaking the large part of the apartment hotel and everyone inside went outside the building. They could hear the loud screaming of people running through the hallway.

"We must stop her!" Angel Wheein said as she follows Moonbyul instead of focusing on their main mission.

"Wheein's right." Angel Yongsun followed but Hwasa stayed with TaeYeon and Tiffany.

"You're the Angel Concealer?" Hwasa asked when she landed on the broken window from Tiffany's suite.

"Get out of here!" Tiffany yells because she thought TaeYeon will attack her fellow angel.

"I'm not harming anyone!" TaeYeon scoffed as she held Tiffany's wrist swiftly that made the double edge sword fell on the floor.

"STOP IT LUCIFER!!!" Tiffany was tackle on the wall behind them while Hwasa was silently watching them since she didn't know what will do.

"I won't hurt you!!! Dammit!!!!" TaeYeon hissed and decided to kiss the Angel that made her defenseless and weak because she really falling in love with her main target since she stayed on Earth watching over Lucifer concealed in the human form TaeYeon.

"I think there's nothing wrong here." Hwasa sighed and followed Wheein and Yongsun whose stopping the monster form of Moonbyul.

"What are you doing?" Tiffany stuttered when she got sandwich between the demon and the wall behind.

"I won't hurt you because?!" TaeYeon stop in the middle of her words when Jessica suddenly appears from behind holding her trademark umbrella.

"What a scene here Lucifer and Angel Concealer." Jessica snorted while watching the two doing unnecessary things.

"Jessica?" TaeYeon's eyes widen when she got caught red handed by her loyal companion.

"I'm here after you and kill you so I can rule over the world." Jessica confessed when she got a hold of the sword that was magically made to completely kill the strongest Lucifer.

"You're betraying me?" TaeYeon suddenly froze when her body couldn't move an inch.

"Remember the charm I've put on you?" Jessica stated while approaching the demon Lucifer.

"The charm? You traitor!!!" Lucifer TaeYeon couldn't move an inch unless Jessica retract the spell on her. The demon woman plotted behind her master's back when she got accompanied by Lucifer himself doing their mission together.

"Wait!" Tiffany grab the opportunity to attack Jessica instead of TaeYeon who was immobile.

"Oh, my dear sister?" Jessica hissed when Tiffany got a hold on her weapon.

"I don't have a sister like you!!!!" Tiffany hated her sisters Jessica and Irene because they killed their own mother for the sake of power and activate the powerful demon charm they possessed so to unseal it they have to kill the dearest and closest to them but worst it was their angel mother.

"You still haven't move on from the past Tiffany?" Jessica wickedly laugh at her half sister when they step aback away from each other.

"You f**king killed our mother!!!" Tiffany spatted as she quickly attack her half older sister.

"Calm down sissy, I'm here for Lucifer only not you." Jessica kicked Tiffany's stomach and fell back.

"You freaking evil!" Tiffany's power weaken she stayed on Earth for a long time without getting back through Heaven even for awhile to recharge her angel power as she carefully watched over TaeYeon because she's indeed doting on the petite girl working at her bakery after wife passed away.

"I'll kill you first!" Jessica holding her umbrella turns into a snake sword that will stab Tiffany on her chest but someone got her first stabbing her from behind.

"Don't you dare touch my daughter." Azrael appears from the scene without sensing his dark aura before he pulled out his spear from Jessica's back way through her heart.

"You will be curse forever." Azrael whispered before Jessica fell on her knees coughing blood as she slowly vanished like a dust.

"I'm here to accompany the Lucifer under my half brother's order, the Almighty." Azrael landed on his feet and absorbs Jessica's dust using the palm that has eyes on his bare hand which he uncovers from the black gloves.

"Me? Why me?" TaeYeon pointed to herself and the Angel of Death was now standing infront of her.

"Almighty will explain everything." Azrael hissed when the Lucifer whines.

"Dad." Tiffany saw her father again for the long time they were apart from each other because of their different mission. He was punished to be a grim reaper and she was on her mission to watched over the Lucifer.

"Looks like the three angels over there defeated Lucifer's daughter." Azrael smirk.

"My daughter?" TaeYeon's eyes widen because she had no memories from the past as Lucifer.

"Almighty will take your memories back when you follow me." Azrael take TaeYeon's hand and orders her to follow him through the stairs of Heaven.

"TaeYeon?" Tiffany felt guilty towards TaeYeon's good intentions when honestly she has pure feelings on the Lucifer but angels were forbid to fell in love with demons.

"Wait for me." TaeYeon doesn't hate the Angel Concealer who lied to her because she will deal with her later after she talk with the Almighty again.

"Come with me Lucifer." Azrael signal Lucifer as soon as the stairs from Heaven appears and they both vanished leaving Tiffany behind in dazed.

To be continued.

A/N: Sorry for the lame chapter.

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