No. 11

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"There's no much time left and we need to see unnie and get her back into Heaven." Angel Wheen said when they watched their hourglass slowly running out of time left.

"We need to find her and I felt like there's another Heavenly war again." Angel Hwasa feels strange for he last few days and they were sure about Lucifer's awakening or not.

"Are you sure it was all cause by the infamous Lucifer?" Angel Yongsun asked.

"I'm not sure but who else will do that?" Angel Hwasa retorted.

"Maria's right." Angel Wheein follows.

"Then it makes sense when some random demon barging inside Moonbyul's office a few days ago." Angel Yongsun spilled.

"You're working with a demon?" Angel Wheein asked couldn't believe the situation with Yongsun and Moonbyul together.

"But I need job and didn't know that demon Moonbyul's the boss in my company where I'm working." Angel Yongsun scoffed.

"Okay that makes sense." Angel Wheein shrugged it off and returns to their mission.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Angel Hwasa asked them as they strolling around the neighborhood.

"Then let's make a plan together." The three angels was being watched by Seulgi who kept hidden somewhere from one of the rooftop building and started to make their plan to conquer the world again with the new demon lord.

"So, they planning something to against our plan." Seulgi whispered before Moonbyul appears behind her with a demonic aura surrounded her and her crimson eyes glaring at her.

"What are you doing here?" Seulgi asked the adopted daughter of the demon lord.

"I'm here to kill you!" Moonbyul swiftly teleport behind Seulgi in a speed of light and pulls out her heart from the other demon's chest like she's some kind of animals.

"Damn." Seulgi fell on her knees while Moonbyul's powerful aura senses by the three angels nearby.

"What is that?" Angel Hwasa looked around from their spot.

"It's too strong." Angel Yongsun said in fear that they maybe encounter some rogue demon with a very strong power and nothing to be compares against the three of them combine.

"What are we gonna do?" Angel Wheein asked.

"We remain here until no one fight against us." Angel Hwasa calmly instructed and they remain standing on their spot yet nothing happens.

"The strong aura suddenly gone." Moonbyul already left the rooftop with Seulgi's body and heart on her hand. She might lose control over her newly awakened demon power she inherited with her real father Lucifer.

"I felt scared for a moment." Angel Yongsun felt her knees turns weak when they sense the strong energy.

"Me too." Angel Wheein sighed.

"Let's go home." Angel Hwasa suggested and they all return home together.


"She's the one I've been looking." Jessica discovers something from her mission while she's away from the city.

"Are you even sure?" She asked the poor demon whose living peacefully after the Heavenly war few years ago.

"I'm sure she's the angel you've been looking for Lady Jessica." The poor demon tremble in fear when Jessica held her neck rightening her grip.

"So, she lose all of her memories." The poor demon nodded.

"Thanks." Jessica strikes his chest until he passed away and pulls out her heart. Demons will completely died when you pulls the heart off from his chest.

"You're very useful for me." Jessica smirked and she decided to return in the city and tells it immediately to TaeYeon but before she could leave the entire scene she was being pulled back by her neck from a sudden force behind.

"What the hell?" She scream in pain.

"Don't try to move." The voice warned.

"Who the hell are you?" Jessica asked since she didn't seen the face of the culprit behind and the energy well kept hidden so she couldn't identify it immediately but she thought that the figure was more powerful than her.

"It's none of your business." Jessica scared from the voice because she's in trouble right now and nothing she couldn't do.

"Should I let you live or die in my hands right now?" The voice asked evilly.

"It's your choice." Jessica never show her fearful side but her whole body was trembling in fear with her disadvantages on the situation.

"Well done."


"Thank you so much Mrs. Hwang!" The employees cheerfully thanking their boss for a short vacation out of town as they hurriedly went inside their rented cabin along with their luggages.

"TaeYeon?" Mrs. Hwang called the woman who busy preparing their lunch in the kitchen.

"Yes, Mrs. Hwang." TaeYeon replied.

"You and I will share a room." Mrs. Hwang flustered by the thoughts of sharing room with her crush as she pulls her stroller along her.

"Ah, okay." TaeYeon follows helping out her boss with their luggages and left the kitchen for a moment while the other employees peaking from the corner and envied TaeYeon.

"Geez, such a lucky one." One of the female employee chirped.

"Mrs. Hwang was very fond of the midget since she started working at the cafe." The other one stated with envy.

"But the midget kinda cute too." One of them praises and leave the two alone so they could enjoy their vacation.

"Let's swim at the lake." They cheerfully went outside wearing their swim wear.


"It's soft and fluffy." Mrs. Hwang lay on the bed and relax herself for awhile.

"Should I place your luggage here Tiffany?" TaeYeon asked when they settle inside their room together while the others went outside.

"Yes, please. Thanks." Tiffany look over her employee whose busy unpacking her own stuffs so she stood and walk behind her silently.

"What do you think you are doing Mrs. Hwang?" TaeYeon sense her behind so she face the older woman but to her surprise Tiffany tackle her as they both laid on the floor with her boss on top of her.

"Tiffany?" TaeYeon felt her boss breathe on her lips inching slowly until they almost kissing.

"I want you now." Tiffany felt really hot inside since she's left alone with TaeYeon although she has a nagging feeling to not touch the younger woman yet she's eager to make love with the latter when she had a chance.

"But someone might knock here?" TaeYeon felt her lips roughly abused by Tiffany's other one as she started kissing her boss back with intense and they're gone undressing each other.

"That was too fast." TaeYeon was surprise from Tiffany's skills on bed while she struggle from catching up with her boss excitement.

"Ugh!" Tiffany moans as she lusting over her naked employee underneath her so she devours TaeYeon without knowing that she's a demon.

"Don't hold back." She warns TaeYeon when the demon fought back with inner herself so everything started heated between them with moans and groans that everything happens so fast.

To be continued.

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