No. 9

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"She already passed away my Lord." Seulgi inform the demon lord about  Moonbyul's real mother well-being since she's a mere human, her body weakens due to her older age.

"We still have Moonbyul." The demon lord confidently said and shooed Seulgi off to keep an eye on her adopted daughter's building.

"Such a waste. Humans were useless after all and by the way Seulgi before you go, you can burn her body and take her soul." The demon lord ordered and Seulgi obeys him without any further demand since she's the loyal one for him.

"Poor her." Seulgi felt pity over Moonbyul's human mother as she cast the spell on her body to completely take her soul.

"Let's see if I can convince the majority to appoint me as the new clan leader." The demon lord spoke with enthusiasm.

"So you have to convince my daughter Moonbyul to vote, she has the power in the majority since she's the sole daughter of the missing Lucifer." The demon lord added.

"Yes my Lord." Seulgi politely answered.

Great I will count on you Seulgi." The demon lord dismissed her as she carried the dead human body.


"Don't you think it's too inappropriate for watching your secretary while she's working?" Angel Yongsun noticed how her boss eyes staring at her skirt and it makes her uncomfortable so she confronted her.

"Well, it's your fault for showing some skins infront of your boss." Moonbyul said arrogantly made Yongsun slammed her hands over her boss desk and showing her deathly glare.

"Even if you glare at me the whole day I will stare at you Ms. Michelle." The demon looks at her uninterested but deep inside she wanted to tease the angel furthermore. She smirk when Yongsun stomped her feet back into her desk and started working again but keeping on eye at her direction.

"She's too adorable." Moonbyul stifle her laugh as she focus as well on her computer and started to check her mails.


"Come in." Moonbyul yell without looking at the unexpected visitor.

"Well, well, a demon working in suits? Interesting scene." Jessica appears dressed in all black before she take off her shades staring coldly at Moonbyul's direction and as a reflex Yongsun stood up to level with the other demon.

"Who are you?" Jessica asked bluntly in a cold tone that makes the angel shivers.

"It's none of your business." Yongsun ready to tackle the demon because she knows about Jessica being one of the fallen angels that punished by Heaven.

"Hey, hey, don't start a chaos here, my office was a new renovation." Moonbyul stood up immediately when she saw Jessica started to cast a black spell on her opponent.

"What are you doing here?" The young demon glare at the visitor whose standing infront of them gracefully filled with pride.

"I will just ask few questions about the incident two days ago." Jessica nonchalantly said.

"Then why did you choose me? I'm not even involve from that case but I heard the pack of demon attacks them." Moonbyul heard it from Seulgi accidentally when the latter visited her house.

"I'm just asking you but since you're not interested and you look so innocent from the case I will take my leave now." Jessica snapped her finger before she quickly vanished without waiting for Moonbyul reactions.

"Rude." Moonbyul sighed roughly.

"She's stress in my life when she reappear again on Earth and I've heard about Lucifer. You have any idea about it?" Moonbyul asked the angel beside her who went back again to work.

"No, we're here to find someone and it's none of our business to meddle in your childish war." Yongsun answered coldly.

"Why this freaking??" Moonbyul hold back herself to argue with her secretary.

"Are you going out for lunch?" The boss asked.

"Why? You'll treat me if I go with you?" The angel was only tempted by food but she doesn't want to accompany the demon either.

"Of course since you'll go with me." The boss was overconfident with herself for directly asking her secretary.

"Then it's a yes." Yongsun plainly said.

"Assa!" Moonbyul secretly celebrate when her secretary will be having lunch with her.


"She has nothing to do with the incident." Jessica informed TaeYeon immediately during the latter's lunchbreak.

"Are you sure?" TaeYeon asked.

"Yes but I guess it's someone we know whose behind it." Jessica stated.

"Are they starting rebellion again?" TaeYeon concluded.

"You wanted to stop them?" Jessica asked the former Lucifer who punished by the Heaven.

"I don't want to be punish again and also I want to lived my life peacefully now." TaeYeon sighed as she put back her cigarette pack inside her pocket. She started to smoke when everything went under control because of the demons lurking around the city.

"Freaking Angels were also here." Jessica senses Yongsun's celestial aura as an angel since they we're angels before.

"What are they doing here?" TaeYeon furrow her brows she didn't expected angels to be here as well. Did the noticed the demons intension against them?

"We need to quickly find the new demon lord." TaeYeon said aggressively.

"Did your memories already back?" Jessica asked suspiciously.

"In my dreams."

"Is this a sign too? You will be back as the demon lord?"

"I don't know since I only want peace."

"Doesn't matter but I will help you again." Jessica offered.


"Ow, am I disturbing both of you?" Ms. Hwang suddenly appears without sensing her presence.

"I didn't even noticed her presence." Jessica thought to herself before she looked at TaeYeon whose also confused.

"I'm sorry Ms. Hwang." TaeYeon bowed respectfully at her boss whose glaring at Jessica's direction.

"You're break was almost over." Ms. Hwang check her wrist watch and stares blankly at her employee until her eyes landed towards the arrogant Jessica.

"I'll be going now." Jessica follows behind TaeYeon who went down from the rooftop as well.

"I had a bad feeling on her." Jessica whispers at the other demon.

"She's horrible and scary." TaeYeon refers when her boss working hard for the whole day acting intimidated over her lazy and timid employees.

"But you're much worst." TaeYeon added.

"YAH!" Jessica yells and runs after TaeYeon whose teasing her back.

To be continued

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