No. 8

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"Miss Moon." Dahee greeted her boss working her ass on the computer on her desk.

"Yes? Something wrong?" Moonbyul never spare a glance from the existence of two person inside her office.

"I will introduce your secretary." Dahee informed made the young Chairman halt and looks at them but she doesn't expect the angel she met before appears infront of her eyes.

"You can introduce yourself now." Dahee said before the clumsy woman bows her head.

"I'm Kim Yongsun." The angel bows respectfully at her new boss but she wasn't expect her either on this kind of situation.

"You can leave now Miss Lee." Moonbyul ordered without her eyes leaving Yongsun.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to brief her about her job here boss?" Dahee surprise from Moonbyul's unusual response.

"I'm better." The chairman answered.

"Okay." Dahee bows her head before she leave the new secretary inside Moonbyul's huge office.

"Take a seat Miss Yongsun." Moonbyul couldn't help herself but to smirk at her prey across her.

"You're the boss?" Angel Yongsun asked.

"I'm the owner of the whole building." The angel scoffed from the boss greasy attitude.

"So, you're here to be my secretary." Moonbyul smirk.

"I need a job." The angel answered shortly as they stare from each other.

"Well, you're job is to entertain me." Yongsun didn't like the meaning behind the devil's words so she quickly stood and trying to left the scene but as a reflex the devil moves faster before Yongsun could open the door.

"I'm sorry you can ask Miss Lee to brief you about your job." The devil surrender and let the angel leave so she could start her job today. Moonbyul felt anxious about herself when she got whipped for the beautiful angel she's been eyeing since the first time they've met.

"What's gotten into you?" Moonbyul asked her stupid self and let her frustrations release by calling some of her bedmates tonight.

"I need you tonight." She ended the call without waiting for an answer from the other line.

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