No. 5

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"Hi Miss Kim please take a seat." After the boss called TaeYeon who checks the inventory on the storage she immediately went to Tiffany's office.

"You didn't say that you already had a lover?" Tiffany's eyebrows furrowed and looks at the nervous employee sitting across her desk.

"It's a misunderstanding Mrs. Hwang." Fidgeting on her seat, TaeYeon said in a soft voice made Tiffany's heart melted or she's being whipped again.

"Misunderstanding?" Mrs. Hwang frown.

"Jessica isn't my girlfriend ---- " Startled by the screeching sound of her boss dark swivel chair.

"REALLY?" The boss stood up happily interrupting her employee's and skipped infront of the confused latter before she unknowingly grab TaeYeon's soft hands into her.

"I thought someone else already took your heart without me knowing." Tiffany sighed dramatically before she smirks at the latter who quizzically looks at her.

"You're off to go and don't forget to grab your lunch or if you want I will gladly welcome you here to share my lunch." The eyesmile boss internally screams in victory knowing she stood a chance with her crush.

"T-Thank y-you Mrs. Hwang." Bowing her head down before the employee swiftly went back into her task leaving Tiffany in dazed probably daydreaming again with TaeYeon on it.


"The infamous Lucifer had amnesia?" One of the demon clad in dark suit and stood out from the group of dark creatures who freely walks back and forth in human world as a repeated cycle in short they're living together with humans and causing some crimes as well.

"I've met Jessica in my short journey and she still looks foxy and wicked as always." The demon encountered awhile ago stated briefly.

"It means she's still on her right mind and healthy living on Earth." The demon leader remarks and everyone just listened and remain silence.

"We need Lucifer's power to invade the humans again probably the whole mankind while the Heaven was still in chaos." Drinking her bloody wine as she spoke her plotted plan to conquer the world and disagree with the idea that Lucifer will rule them again under his reign.

"But my Lord, the Lucifer we've known was turned into a weak and short woman it's the Heaven's punishment together with her amnesia." They continued their conversation about Lucifer's whereabouts and some of them agreed that the King will be no other than Lucifer himself and few of them voted the present demon leader as their new King and ruler.

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