No. 7

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"Huh? Who left this in my door?" After staying on her boss house for a week, TaeYeon finally went home but spotted a purple neatly wrapped present infront of her front door. She looks around the neighborhood but nothing suspicious maybe it's a package for her. Her fingers almost touching the pretty ribbon when she felt a sudden pull on her shoulder and got tackled heavily by Jessica.

"DON'T TOUCH IT." Jessica arrived on time when TaeYeon's life was in danger since the purple present contains an explosive device inside.

*tick* *tick* *tick*

They heard a fading sound of a ticking clock and Jessica was aware of the thing inside and who send it on TaeYeon's door. Her eyes widen when she heard the little Lucifer softly casting a spell without her knowing and such words she never heard before, a dark and white beautiful wings appeared and marvelously spread on her back that made Jessica's jaw dropped before a dark portal open and TaeYeon stood up and touch the present tossing it inside her portal before she closes it then her wings disappeared.

"Is there anyone whose trying to kill me?" TaeYeon spoke in such a low tone voice but the sudden shivers run through Jessica's spine and she gulp hard when she TaeYeon turns and met the little Lucifer's crimson eyes.

"I'm not sure but someone's after you." With her deep trembling voice, Jessica still manage to open her mouth and speak into her demon lord.

"Crap! I knew it someone's gonna tainted my hand with blood. I hate blood!" TaeYeon whines and a heavy sighed spilled from her lips before she weakly fell on her knees.

"My body couldn't take it when I used too much of my powers." The little devil added with a sigh.

"You remember?" Jessica asked.

"Remember what?" TaeYeon furrowed her eyebrows and looks at Jessica in a deep frown.

"She still doesn't remember anything." Jessica thought and let out a frustrated sigh and manage to stood on her heels.

"Hey, Ms. Who-Knows-Whatsoever." TaeYeon called her by a nickname made Jessica pissed off.

"What?" Crimson eyes appears from Jessica's eyes identical to Lucifer's pair.

"You hungry?" Dropping her duffle bag from staying at Tiffany's before the tenant type-in her passcode, she offers to Jessica to come inside.

"I thought you never ask." Both of them went inside but unbeknownst to them, Seulgi's watching over them like how the demon leader's command.


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