No. 6

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"Can you lift your ankle a little so we could take a look if we need to take you at the hospital for therapy or we could just stay here for your recovery and we do the same in your arm after." TaeYeon's hand made her boss shivers as they do some small exercise on her injured ankle. Tiffany lovingly stares at the cute little employee of hers for who knows how long.

"Is it hurt?" Moving carefully the injured part TaeYeon asked and observe her boss face and saw a slight frown as she slowly move repeatedly.

"A little." Tiffany's face grimace from a slight pain from the movement of her ankle but she endure it by biting her lips and tightly grasp the couch.

"Seems like you can stay here for a fully recover since I'm here to stay with you Tiffany." Stood up towering her boss, TaeYeon slowly asked permission to lift her injured arm so she could change the bandages.

"You sure know how to take good care of an injured person." Her boss praises her made her face redden so she ignores them but Tiffany couldn't stop staring at her, eyes filled with love while TaeYeon's helpful hands filled with care.

"I do few sideline such as part time nurse in one of my friend's clinic when needed." TaeYeon answered before she neatly wrapped the new bandages around her boss injured arm.

"You're a cool person." The hearty compliments never stop slipping from Tiffany's own mouth made TaeYeon more uncomfortable from unusual praises especially when it comes to a person who had a huge crush on her.

"Nah, I just love helping out people." It made Tiffany's heart flatters when she knew about TaeYeon's kindness to everybody who needs a hand.

"What do you like to eat?" After she take good care of her boss, she sat on the chair across Tiffany and asked.

"I'm craving for some black spicy noodles." Tiffany answers in glee as she mentions the food she rarely eats and always ends up to instant ramyun noodles which was unhealthy when she's dead tired from work.

"Okay, you have available ingredients?" Tiffany nodded before she lookd up from the kitchen cabinet and TaeYeon found some.


"It's tasty and delicious." 


Tiffany's face redden when she accidentally burps while eating her lunch with TaeYeon.

"Sorry." Tiffan bowed apologetically.

"It's fine you don't need to be shy." TaeYeon ignores her but in all honesty she wanted to laugh at her boss.

"I'll take the dishes you can rest for awhile and I'll take you to your bedroom." Cleaning all of their mess and take them into the kitchen sink, Tiffany just watched TaeYeon's back while she's washing the dirty plates before her eyes landed on her employee's butt it made her face blushed when she thought about something pervert.

"I'm done." TaeYeon quickly turns around and caught her boss stares blankly at her back and she noticed the flustered cheeks.

"Errr... Mrs. Hwang?" With her eyebrows knitted together, they both flustered when they thought about the same thing before Tiffany clears her throat.

"Oh, sorry."

"You need to sleep now."

"Okay thanks."


"The deal was closed now Ms. Moon." Ms. Lee reported at her boss after Moonbyul decided to purchased the old building where the three angels lived for awhile now.

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