Part 2 - The Job

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Mallika just blinked looking at him. A moment later she realised where she was and by the time Sumedh had asked her to take a seat. She then introduced herself to him.

Sumedh looked at her while flipping through the file. She looked young and smart and her almond eyes showed her innocence. He told her that it won't be a normal routine job working under him as he will have odd hours of work and needed his assistant to be around all the time.

As he was speaking Sumedh just moved away from his chair and came closer to Mallika. Her heart's beats raced up. She knew that it was an interview and not a date to feel like this. But she couldn't help it.  Sumedh saw her nervousness.

Sumedh asked her " Do you like to drink something?  Chai/coffee?"
She just blinked and replied back impulsively "I would love a cup of coffee and I don't like tea." Sumedh left out a small chuckle at her answer and Mallika bit her lower lip on the reply she gave.

Sumedh looked at his watch and he still had few more minutes left for his next meeting and so he ordered chai for him and coffee for Mallika. They both drank their beverages . The way she enjoyed her coffee made him smile. He asked her a few questions. He was convinced she was apt for the job.

He went back to his chair and typed a few things on his laptop and he informed Mallika that she can leave. Mallika wanted to ask him something but hesitated and when she was about to leave Sumedh called her and handed over an envelope.

Mallika thanked him and left the room. She came to the front of the reception and opened the envelope to find her appointment order.  She wanted to jump out in joy. But she controlled herself and called her dad and informed him.

She showed the envelope to the admin officer as she wanted to know the further proceedings of the job. The admin officer was astonished because this was the first time his boss had personally handed over the appointment order. That was a first and little did he know that many firsts were to follow.

Mallika reached home and waited for her dad to come. They both had a small pizza night party to celebrate Mallika 's new job. She slept after a while thinking how it would be to work under this perfectionist and workaholic Greek God everyday.

Meanwhile Sumedh finished his work for the day and went home with his brother. On their way home Sumedh was thinking about Mallika. He seemed to feel very comfortable around her and he liked her. Basanth saw him and asked about what he was thinking and he knew by heart that his brother has been smitten by Mallika by the way he spoke about her.

They reached home and they both retired to their rooms. Revati had returned and it was a pleasant surprise for Basanth. They had planned for a vacation this time to Bali and kept discussing on that and dozed off to sleep.

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