Part 6 - The City of Love

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Sumedh and his team checked in the hotel. Mallika and Sumedh took adjacent rooms. They both freshened up. The next day she had a whole lot of work to be done. She had to go to Sumedh's room with the files for a last check on his speech and the documents for the summit.

She dressed herself in a casual outfit and let her hair loose with just a small clip stuck to one side which was her trademark look. She rang the doorbell of Sumedh's room and as he opened the door they both looked at each other for sometime. They have never seen one another in casual outfits. As she entered the room he asked her to sit in the couch. He spoke to someone over the phone and she glanced around the room and looked at a picture of his family near the bed.

Sumedh saw her gazing at it and he said her " That is my family."
Mallika looked at each one of them but she instantly liked one person the most Sumedh's Aai.

As they sat down to discuss their work 
they both made some secret glances at each other. He looked divine for her and she looked like a pretty queen to him. When they had discussed their work Mallika out of exhaustion had dozed off in the couch. Sumedh just sat near her and looked at her and fell asleep on the nearby sofa.

When the morning alarm rang Sumedh woke up first and he went near her and just ran his hands through her hairs. She looked like a cute kargosh. Sumedh knew she liked him too so he had decided to propose once their work was over.

Mallika woke up a little later and finding herself in Sumedh's room looked shocked and then apologized to him and exited the room before Sumedh could even speak.

She went to her room and got ready within a few minutes and came down to the reception. She looked very professional and dressed up in a black and white dress. She was joined by Sumedh and they both along with their team went to the summit.

After his speech was over, Sumedh was relieved and he signed a few documents and then called upon his team. He made a few arrangements secretly without Mallika's knowledge.
Later he asked her "Mallika,  Can we do some sight seeing today? "
As she was also looking forward to explore the city and she quickly agreed.

Sumedh asked his chauffeur to drive to the Eiffel Tower. Mallika came and sat next to him in the car. She looked very pretty in a pink chiffon gown. As they neared the building Mallika became excited. They reached the top of the building using the elevators. It was cold and snowy and Sumedh just wrapped his hands over her and Sumedh asked her " Do you like me Miku? " She didn't expect this and to hear her nickname from him was something different for her. She looked into the view and replied "I like you Sumedh ". Now Sumedh couldn't believe his ears as it was the first time she addressed him by his name. He suddenly got down on his knee....

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