Part 8 - The Brothers

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The next day Mallika got ready and went to Sumedh's room and they were about to attend a meeting at the same hotel 's conference room. She was astonished to see a woman open the door and later recognized her as Revati from the family picture she had seen earlier. (Revati and Basanth had come to Paris straight from Bali on Sumedh's request)

Mallika introduced herself as Sumedh's assistant and was asked to be seated in the couch. Revati and Basanth were exchanging some glances as they paced around the room with the respective phones.  As Sumedh entered he saw Mallika sitting at the edge of the couch clutching the files and her laptop. He knew what was going in her mind and went and sat beside her and put an arm around her shoulder. Mallika was taken aback by this PDA.

Basanth and Revati crossed their hands and stood before them. Then Revati who no longer couldn't hold on to the acting laughed out followed by Basanth. Mallika realised that they already knew about them and heaved a sigh.

Revati gave a quick hug to Mallika and Basanth put a hand on her head and blessed her. Revati said to Sumedh " you have really found yourself an angel Sumedh"
Sumedh replied " Thanks Bhabhi"

Sumedh said to Basanth" Bro, now you have to open this up to Aai and Papa."
Basanth suggested he better said it himself and of course they will support them. The only problem was whether they will accept Miku who came from an ordinary background as Revati herself came from a rich family. She was highly educated and she was a founding member of chain of colleges which provided education for the needy people. She was also quite popular for her philanthropic works.

Knowing that their parents had never considered wealth in front character they hoped all would go well for Sumedh and Mallika.

Once the meeting got over and they became free both Sumedh and Mallika went straight to her room and slid on the couch. They both hugged each other and took a quick short nap. They didn't want anyone to disturb them but having an over enthusiastic Dau didn't permit that.

The couples decided to do some sight seeing together and they enjoyed each others company. Revati and Mallika became very close. Revati never had any siblings and now she had someone whom she can consider as a sister. They even went to a carnival and enjoyed all the small things of life. They cannot do all these in their home country because of their wealth. So here they were four kiddos who played and laughed and dined together. Suddenly Revati started feeling dizzy and as they went back to the hotel they called for a Dr who informed them that a small member was about to come in the Agarwal house. The happiness of the brothers knew no bounds.

They called their parents and informed them and the first time grandparents prayed to God and asked them to return soon to Mumbai...

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